Chapter 2- Becoming Friends

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"'ll be fine." A smile started to curve along his freckled cheeks, reaching his electric green eyes.

You wandered over with your tray of food to where Bakugo was sitting with Kirishima, and the yellow-haired boy. The ketchup and mustard duo were chatting away excitedly while Bakugo sat in silence still, not even realizing that you sat next to him. Todoroki popped down with his soba on your other side.

"That must be one amazing sandwich Kacchan," you spoke with an innocent smile as you took a bite of your stir-fry. The hazy look in his red eyes vanished and he glared at you instead, the surprise lasting only for a second.

"Why the hell are you here," he hissed in a mellow tone. The yellow-haired boy and red head both looked at you, not noticing until you spoke you were there either. You noticed that Bakugo still hasn't corrected you on calling him Kacchan despite it clearly bothering him.

"I wanted to sit here is all, thanks to Todoroki's recommendation." Katsuki leaned over to glare at said half and half boy who was minding his business, reading a book while eating his soba.

"Wow. A big whopping thank you to fuckin Icyhot over here. Just keep quiet Newbie, you're annoying," Bakugo growled. You found his annoyance with you amusing, but you knew it was shallow. Ever since you complimented him earlier, his attitude was different. He's been thinking...he's distant.

"You're welcome," Todoroki said without looking up from his book. The mustard-haired boy leaned across the table to give you a flirtatious expression, the same one that dared Kirishima to flirt with you. You could tell Kirishima was getting his revenge.

"Hey there...I'm Denki Kaminari," The yellow-haired boy said, a streak of black in the shape of a lightning bolt in his hair making itself evident.

"My quirk uses electricity, but your beauty shocked me more." You mentally cringed at his actual serious attempt of flirting with you. You glanced at Kirishima who was encouraging him and then Bakugo who was frozen mid-bite, just in blatant surprise over how dumb his friends were.

"You're fucking kidding right. Out of literally all the things to say to her, that was the dumbest one," Bakugo commented in reply. You couldn't help but chuckle at Kacchan's response, the ash-blond boy saying nothing else.

"Oh yeah, Bakugo? Like you could pull any chicks! You scare them all away with your yelling and telling them to die," Sparky replied back. Kirishima put up his hands and was about to interrupt in order to diffuse the situation but Bakugo was already challenged.

"I DON'T ALWAYS YELL!" He of course yelled back in a counterargument. "Since you're such a jealous little bitch boy, I'll tell ya that newbie and I are hanging out tonight. So suck my dick!" Bakugo continued his yelling, his competitive nature forcing him to want to be better than everyone else.

"Wait Bakugo I thought you were just tuto-" Kirishima shut his mouth when Bakugo's hand covered it with the threat of it glowing. Your fingers twitched, ready to get involved as you sat on edge and now irritated you were brought into this. Todoroki silently noticed your instant reflex to spring into action, thriving his curiosity about you more. It's not every day another student reacted faster than he or Bakugo.

Bakugo turned to look at you with an aggressive look in his red eye as if you saying anything against what he said meant instant death.

"Yep what Kacchan said!" You replied, hoping that will soothe the hostile Bakugo. Said boy sat down, his hand cooling off and Sparky seemingly floored with this notion.

"N-no way! How did you of all people get to go on a date with (y/n) before anyone else?! It's only halfway through her first day!" Sparky then seemed to get an idea which caused him to narrow his eyes in suspicion before smirking. This was already exhausting to deal with.

Protecting You (Katsuki Bakugo x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant