Chapter 1- Welcome to UA

Start from the beginning

"The money is not an issue. However, what we need you to do is different from your usual task. Ideally we would need these villains alive so we can dig deeper about the root of their organization, their goals, and their means of getting by. If we can interrogate them successfully, we may tug at the strings of a much larger organization than we originally thought. What we need you to do is attend UA as part of the targeted class and protect those students from the inside. With All Might and Eraserhead weakened, it will be much more difficult for those students to be safe," Hanzo followed up. You let out a sigh and weighed your options.

"You do realize it would be much easier and simpler to just take out the group individually, right? What happens if more people die because you want to wait? What happens if pro-heroes lose out on big wigs like All Might or Endeavor? You're just going to let that slide?" You asked them as if the choice was obvious. They didn't seem to think so.

"It's not that we wouldn't support the removal of a group like this but...there are reports of villain sympathizers...copycats...a neverending string that is attached to this group. We need to know more before we pull the trigger," the elder man, Hanzo spoke in a leathery voice.

"Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you. If the class attacked were first years, I'm going to be a year older than them. Won't the teachers find that suspicious?" You asked while standing up, preparing to leave since you were starting to lose interest. All you needed was that beautiful slice of paper with all the money a girl could dream of, and you'd be on your way. The President and the Minister chuckled at your question while waiving it off.

"Just don't tell them. No one can be trusted."

"Works for me."


Eraserhead looked at his computer with bored and bloodshot eyes, his annoyance levels rising before class even began. He was covered in bandages head to toe.

New Email in Inbox

To: (Eraserhead)

CC: (All Might)

From: (Principal Nezu)

Good morning. I know this is on short notice but we have a student the President of Tokyo HQ is recommending. She will be joining your class 1A. Please keep an eye on her, she will be a challenge even for you.

Her name is (y/n) (l/n) and from what I've deciphered from my interview with her, her quirk is called Vanish. I am not sure if she falls under transformation or emitter class yet. Please update her file regularly.

"Huh. A transfer student a few weeks into the semester? This has sketchy written all over it." Aizawa's jet black shaggy hair poured around him, his annoyance with this sudden change evident on the limited features shown through his bandages.

"It sounds like you received the message too. I wonder what we will be facing when Young (y/n) arrives," All Might spoke as he rounded the corner, phone in hand with his email open.

"If the principal hasn't figured everything about her yet then something must be up. He wouldn't agree to something like transferring a student in 1A without knowing anything about them. I wonder what is at work here," Aizawa stated monotonously. All Might nodded in agreement, pondering just who you were exactly and what caused you to be transferred into class 1A


"Class we have a new student that will be joining us from now on. Introduce yourself," Eraserhead said plain and simply to you in front of the speechless classroom. You scanned around, one hand on your hip and your posture confident. You've met Eraserhead twice before, but you doubted he'd notice or recognize you without your suit. You couldn't reveal yourself, because if word got out about what you were, the plan to catch the League by surprise would dissolve completely. After all, what would the news say about a hero academy harboring a paid killer?

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