No matter how many times she ran through it in her head, Demi could not justify getting an abortion. It didn't matter that she felt like now was the wrong time to be pregnant. It didn't matter that she thought she wouldn't be able to handle it this time around. None of that mattered. She was a grown, married woman who had sex without any form of contraception. She couldn't run away from the consequences of those actions. Whether she was ready for it or not, it was happening, and she realized how extremely selfish she had been for even thinking about getting rid of her child. That's what she was going to tell Cristo tonight. But he was nowhere to be found.

The alarm near the garage door beeped, signaling that someone was coming into the house. Demi heard his heavy footsteps before she saw him, but when he came in he flicked the light on, and he released a light sigh as he saw Demi standing there in front of a cake that was obviously meant for him.

"Happy birthday," Demi pathetically said, pushing the cake towards him while grabbing the ultra sound picture off of the counter so that he wouldn't see it.

"I'm sorry. I've been telling you that I didn't want to do anything special so I figured you didn't have anything planned," Cristo apologized, and Demi could tell from the slight slur in his words that he was a little tipsy. Not completely drunk but tipsy enough to where he shouldn't have been driving. One of her main pet peeves was that he always swore that he was fine driving after a few drinks and Demi hated when he did that.

"I didn't have much planned. I just thought all three of us could go to dinner but it's fine. I'll just put this away," Demi said, but Cristo shook his head.

"No, let's have some now," he suggested. Demi raised her eyebrows but grabbed two forks out of one of the drawers anyway, pushing the cake to the other side of the counter where the bar stools were. They took their seats next to each other and Cristo blew out the candle before they dug into the cake.

"Where'd you go tonight?" Demi questioned, not because she was jealous or angry, just curious. Actually, she wasn't angry at all. Maybe she would've been if she had actually told him that she wanted to take him out to dinner and have them spend the night together, but she didn't, so she couldn't really be mad.

"Out to a bar with a few friends. We had a few drinks and I lost track of time. I'm really sorry I didn't call or anything, but my phone died back at the office."

"Cristo, it's fine, I'm not mad. You never get to hang out with your friends, I would never fault you for doing so," Demi reassured him with a light smile. "Did you have a good time?"

"Yeah, it's just a little weird now because I feel like our lives are so different now. We all used to be bachelors but now I'm married with a daughter and they're still living that bachelor life. They haven't changed a bit but I've changed a lot," Cristo explained as Demi propped her elbow on the marble countertop and rested her head against her hand.

"Any regrets?"

Cristo set his fork down and looked over at her eyes, their eyes connecting making shivers run down her spine as she crossed her legs.

"No. You and Muse are the best things that have ever happened to me. I wouldn't trade you in for anything," Cristo said before Demi crossed the space between them to press her lips against his.

"Je t'aime beacoup," Demi whispered against his lips before he kissed her again, this time a little more passionately.

"Je t'aime beacoup."

Demi knew that now would've been the perfect time to reveal that she did indeed want to keep the baby, to get rid of the tension and uncertain energy surrounding them, but she didn't want to talk about the baby. She didn't want to ruin the mood. She just wanted to make love to her husband. So, that's exactly what she did.

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