Elle Charming

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Elle Charming sighed as she leaned against the bars of her cell. She looked around as she found the silence and slight darkness to be most unpleasant. However, she volunteered to be the hostage so she couldn't complain. At most being in the cell did leave her to her thoughts. What was her brother's reaction when the others went back? Did Hayden keep his end of the agreement and the others went home safely? Did her parents know? Suddenly however a squeak pulled her from her thoughts. She turned her head to see a small rat scuttling in the corner.
"Oh hello" she said as it made eye contact with her.
She smiled softly as she thought of her mother and her mousy friends. Elle always used to share her cookies with the chubby one named Gus. The rat rubbed its muzzle before it walked over to the cell bars.
"Don't worry, I mean no harm my mother was friends with the mice in her childhood home" she said quietly.
The rat sniffed at the girl's fingers before giving a squeak. Elle smiled softly as she reached through the bars and gently patted it's head.
"That's disgusting"
Elle flinched as she looked up to see the boy with a heart painted over his eye looking down at her.
"She's not disgusting" Elle said defending the rat that crawled into her cell.
"Oh please"
"You shouldn't judge someone by there looks"
"Why don't you shut your pretty little mouth before you lose it"
"Ace. That's no way to take to a guest"
Elle looked over the now scared Ace's shoulder to see Hayden entering the room. What did he mean by guest? Wasn't she a hostage?
"What do you mean?"
Hayden only smirked.

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