"Rai?" The woman asked.

"Sophia?" Relief washed over the woman's face as they fell into a hug. Forest's previous worries vanished at the heartwarming sight, although in the back of his mind he knew that they weren't in the clear yet.

"I was so worried when you left." She let out a relieved sigh.

They stepped back. "I'm fine, but we all need a place to stay." She slightly gestured to Forest and Kieran. Sophia looked at them seriously for a moment, contemplating whether or not they could be trusted. She then looked back at Rai and then at the cluster of townspeople behind them.

She gave Rai a worried look before she turned around and faced the townspeople. "It's okay everyone, it's Rai's, she's back."

The people clapped and cheered. Rai held her hands up and looked at the crowd sternly. "Yes, but we're all in danger and we," She turned and gestured to Forest and Kieran who watched silently. "Need your help." A concerned murmur fell across the crowd as they gazed at the trio with the same worried look Sophia had.

Rai looked out at the people before her, the people she grew up with. Forest could tell she was trying to hide her worry as they discussed their fate, they needed all the help they could get.

There was a shout from the distant wheat fields, a young boy with a satchel full of wheat ran down the rows of crops yelling, "They're coming!"

Everyone looked at the young boy as he ran towards them. Realization set in and Sophia turned towards Rai and gripped her shoulders. "It's the Silver Blades," She cast a quick glance around the small town."Hurry, go inside my house, in the basement." Rai nodded in determination and turned and grabbed Kieran and Forest's wrists. She dragged them down the sandy dirt path, towards a small red house that seemed to be in the middle, amongst the other identical homes.

They were ushered through the small grey tidy living room and kitchen, and towards the back where there was a small hallway. Forest guessed that was where the bedrooms and bathrooms were. At the end of the grey hallway Rai pulled on the wooden floorboards. A square panel popped up, and underneath was a metal ladder. Rai climbed down the ladder, and then the dark hole was flooded with light. Kieran climbed down, followed by Forest. Once he landed on the floor, Rai marched back towards the ladder and firmly closed the wooden panel. 

The basement had a single light in the middle of the ceiling, illuminating the room. It was a decent size, with creme walls and cold wooden floors. It was quite empty, except for a vacant desk pushed up against the far wall. Forest looked around the room silently. Rai stood by the ladder, arms folded as she waited for something, maybe a signal. Kieran looked restless as he fiddled around with the desk and chair.

In the distance, the townspeople watched as the uniform group marched into their town

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In the distance, the townspeople watched as the uniform group marched into their town. Everyone stopped what they were doing  and stood tensely in the middle of the town, waiting. Sophia stood the closest to the end of the wheat field. The member that lead the group slowed to a stop before Sophia. The rest of the members that were brought along, circled and surrounded the townspeople with a half circle.

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