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(3rd person p.o.v)

This morning Woojin was the first one to wake up.
Not because he's a morning person but because  he went to bed way before Jihoon got the chance to.
The poor boy is still asleep and far away in his dreamland.
It was only 8 in the morning but Woojin was already starving.
He wanted food and started planning on ditching Jihoon to go and eat breakfast by himself.

Woojin headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower and brush his teeth.
Looking into the mirror made him realize what a mess his hair had become.
It looked like a bird's nest,that's how tousled his hair had become after tossing around in his sleep.
Woojin tried to fix his hair with his fingers but then suddenly stopped.
Realizing what he had planned made him facepalm and scold himself for being so dumb,he was going to take a freaking shower.
Stepping into the shower and letting the warm water run made his aching body relax.
He had surely gotten exhausted after the hard workout,aka his walk,from yesterday's afternoon.


Walking out of the bathroom and towards the door,Woojin only had one thing in his mind which was to get to the food as soon as possible.
"He probably isn't going to wake up any soon so I better lea-"
"Woojin where are you going??" Jihoon had woken up just in that exact moment and was now staring at Woojin.
How did he even...
Woojin stared back at Jihoon and burst out laughing out of nowhere.
"Eh? What are you laughing at?" Jihoon asked.
Woojin continued to laugh but he eventually lost his balance and rolled around on the floor,still laughing if not even more than before.
With his question still unanswered,Jihoon walked to the bathroom to look at himself through the mirror.
What he saw was a terrifying sight,his hair stood up in various directions and he had dried up drool beneath his bottom lip.
"Ew,disgusting." Jihoon muttered.
He cleaned himself up and walked out of the bathroom.
Even though he spent some time in the bathroom,he still found Woojin still rolling around on the floor.
"Seriously,it wasn't even that funny." Jihoon stated,more like tried to convince himself.
If Woojin's hair resembled a bird's nest then Jihoon's hair was on a whole different level.
Jihoon knew it looked hilarious but he refused to admit it due to his embarrassment.

"Woojin I'm getting hungry,hurry up!" Jihoon snapped.
"What the heck Woojin!"
Give credits to Woojin,the boy who tried to calm down but failed.
"What are you laughing at now?!" Jihoon shouted frustratingly.
"What..in the world..is...that?" Woojin asked in between his laughter.
Jihoon raised an eyebrow at that and continued to stare at Woojin.
"Do you...call that...a..glare? Bwahahahha..that's..hila...rious!"
"Yah!! Are you mocking me?!" Jihoon exclaimed.

Woojin waved it off and walked out the door with a fuming Jihoon trailing behind him.
"Answer me!" Jihoon demanded.
No matter what Jihoon did Woojin continued to walk towards the restaurant where they serve the hotel breakfast.
"God,finally getting some free food. Just what I needed!" Woojin exclaimed happily and walked away with a plate in his hands.
Jihoon decided to interrogate Woojin a bit later and also went to get some food since his stomach was calling for food too.

A while later Woojin came back to their table with a plate filled with food stacked upon each other.
"I wonder if I'll be able to eat this..eh who cares it's mine!" With that said he started digging in.
As Woojin munched on his waffles Jihoon came back with a plate filled with tons of fruits and then a glass of orange juice in his other hand.
"You really gonna eat that?" Woojin asked.
"Obviously,there's nothing wrong with some fruit!" He replied.
"Pfft,whatever." Woojin suppressed his laughter in order to not further piss of an already fuming Jihoon.
"What's with you and judging basically everything I do today?" Jihoon curiously asked.
"Wish I could tell you,hehe." Woojin proceeded to steal Jihoon's class of juice and gulped down the whole thing.
"Hey! That was my juice!!"
"And now it's in my stomach,deal with it." Woojin sassed.
"Wow,you're getting really childish Woojin! What a mature nineteen year old you are today." Jihoon snapped.
"wOw,yoU'rE GeTtINg ReAlLy cHilDish WoOjIn!" Woojin mimicked Jihoon with a mocking tone.
"Now you're mocking me again!!" Jihoon slightly raised his voice.
"nOw YoU'rE mOcKing mE aGaIn!!"
"Woojin I'm serious,stop!!"
"Oh hello Serious,my name is Woojin. Pleasure to meet youuu~!" Woojin spoke in a childish voice.
"You're annoying." Jihoon muttered.
"I'm not Annoying,I'm Woojin. Woooooojiiiiiiiiin~ w-o-o-j-i-n,Woojin. WOOJIN IN YOUR AREA,WOOOOOOOOO!!"

Several people turned around in their seats and stared at a shouting Woojin and an ashamed Jihoon facepalming himself again and again.
"Can it possibly get any worse?" Jihoon asked himself,looking over at his friend who's once again shouting some stupid nonsense in gibberish.
"Is he done yet?" Jihoon whispered.
"BANG BANG BANG!! NO ONE CAN CATCH ME CUZ IM A SPARROW WOOOOOOSH! OOOH YEEAAAH! nelrkoeif8288okfkwo919(&&2&&;kr;+]+owifijwjjwiiwieiwiqoocnnfjekakk!!"
"Okay,how is that even humanly possible?!" Jihoon asked himself while dragging Woojin away from their table and back to their room again.

"I'm gonna cancel our plans for today. No way am I going to deal with this three year old baby again." Jihoon told himself after making sure Woojin couldn't escape.

Something Jihoon learned from this eventful morning was that even someone as cold hearted as Woojin can be just as childish and carefree as any other person in the world.
Even though it's the most annoying thing to handle a screaming and whining Woojin,Jihoon is still glad Woojin is showing all of his sides to him no matter what they may be.
After all the mocking and teasing spluttering out from Woojin's mouth,Jihoon still knows Woojin is only joking around or at least trying to not hurt his feelings.

Their friendship is something Jihoon treasures a lot,something important that he has been searching for all his life.
Now is the time where he finally found it,the friendly bond that he has been desperate to find.
The most surprising thing there is is that he found his comfort in the arms of the most cold hearted boy in school.
It's unbelievable yet true,the both of them found exactly what they had been looking for.
If it wasn't for the bullying happening in his old school then Jihoon would've never transferred to Woojin's school.
Then their paths wouldn't have crossed and they would've still been wandering around feeling lonely and desperate for a change,for something to happen in their lives.

Jihoon was no longer the boy with insecurities eating him alive and Woojin was no longer the cold hearted boy everyone came to know.
It was all thanks to each other.
The both of them changed for the better with the help of each other.
With the comfort of always knowing someone's behind you,someone who will always be there to pick you up when you fall and make sure you get back up again.

That's the story of the two boys who crossed paths with each other.



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