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(Woojin's p.o.v)

While I was walking down the street I passed an alleyway and overheard a conversation. These voices sounded kind of familiar...that's my friends! "Yeah I know right,he's so annoying!" "Let's just dump him,we were only his friends for the money anyways!"

I didn't hear anything else as I was devastated,how could they betray me like that?! Tears started to stream down my face and I ran back home. Just because I'm rich doesn't mean I don't have emotions,I'm a human too. My last friendship ended exactly like the others,people wanting to be friends just for the money. Everyone seems to only care about the popularity and money they get from befriending me,I feel so used...

When I came back home,the lights were off. I thought my parents were home but I guess I was wrong. They're not home when I need them the most.

The day after

The school was once again in my sight and I silently heave a sigh to myself. Time to meet my new FAKE friends! As soon as I reached my locker they immediately approached me,what a start of my day.

"Hi Woojin-ah!" said one of them. "Get away from me!" I coldly replied. I didn't bother turning around since I was fetching my books from the locker. "What's with the attitude today?" they asked. I let out a bitter laugh as I heard their response. "I could ask you the same fake friends." I replied. In my peripheral view I could clearly see how they all looked so confused. "I'll say this once,get away from me and stop bothering me trying to gain popularity and money."

Class was about to start so I walked off,away from them but they soon followed after me. "Woojin wait,we can explain..." "I clearly said get away from me!!" I raised my voice and turned around giving them a glare that could possibly burn down your entire soul before walking away,leaving them stand there totally dumbfounded.

After that day I promised myself to never let anyone come near me,everyone is there to simply use me for their benefits,right?!

My attitude changed and I became more cold hearted in order for people to back off. It's a good thing I live alone,no more people bothering me!
After all I only end up getting hurt in the end.


(Jihoon's p.o.v)

After the day my mom left,dad had become more distant. He wasn't the man I used to look up to,he only threw complaints at me and made me lose most of my self confidence as well as my happiness.

Was I not good enough? I thought.

Nothing I did seemed to please him even for just a moment,never did I ever get to see his gentle smile anymore.

"Why are you late?!"

"Clean your dirty looking room immediately!"

"Stop playing video games and do something efficient in life for once!"

All these complaints and naggings kept chasing after me,I felt pressured by it making me stress out and break down in my room.

I learnt how to deal with them but did he stop there? Of course not,he just had to point out my flaws about my appearance and visuals too,making me feel pathetic, weak and lifeless. I couldn't remember the last time I felt a slight feeling of happiness,was the feeling ever going to come back to me?

"You're clearly nothing more but a pretty face,so pathetic!"

"Erase that stupid grin on your face,it's annoying!"

"You look like a pig,see what those snacks did to you!?"

I want to live on my own but I can't afford it myself. A group of guys started to bully me,constantly telling me that I'm pathetic and worthless. I've had enough already so I transferred to another school.

𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒘𝒐 𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒔┃┃𝒕𝒘𝒐-𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒌┃Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora