Chapter 11: Just A Normal Day..Or Maybe Not

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(Jihoon's p.o.v)

I watched as all the students ran out of the school building.
It was the beginning of the weekend and it seems like everyone's so excited for it.
I'm not,really,my shift starts soon so I'll be spending some of my weekend working instead.
It's important for me to get as much money as I can possibly get right now.

As I was working I saw a silhouette of someone familiar,standing a few meters away from the cafe.
I hope it's not who I think it is,I thought.
Woojin isn't here today because he wanted to get home and relax while watching tv-shows.
Daniel is nowhere to be seen and the rest of the employees are still a bunch of strangers to me.
"What if he comes here?
Who am I supposed to call then??" I mumbled to myself.

Everything was going so well until near the end of my shift.
The bell rang and he walked in.
"Oh my god,no,what am I supposed to do?"
I paced back and forth like a madman while trying to control my breathing.
It didn't work and I could already feel the panic starting to surge through my entire body.
He walked towards the counter,right where I was standing.
"Look who we've got here,isn't it my favorite son?" He spoke,it came out as a slight slur so I guess he has been drinking a bit..already?

I didn't answer,I couldn't.
How would I be able to answer?
I'm so scared,there's nothing much I can do anyways.
I'm still too weak...

"Why are you even working?
Trying to escape from home,huh!?
So pathetic of you to think that you out of all people would be able to achieve anything in life." The words coming from him pulled me back into reality.
"Excuse me sir,if you're not going to order anything then I'd have to tell you to leave,there are others waiting in line."
I heard Daniel speak from behind the coffee machine.
He let out an annoyed huff as he pulled himself off of the counter and started to retreat back to the exit.
"I'm not done with you yet,just wait till you get home." He spoke,venom lacing each word that came from his mouth.

I continued to stare down at the counter and refused to look up,even though I knew he had left already.
Tears started to well up in my eyes as I thought of the possible outcomes of how this day might end.
No matter what,I'll have to go through it whether I like it or not.
This is my life,I thought as I started to walk out the door with a bad feeling,still lingering in my stomach.

I carefully opened the front door and cautiously walked towards the stairs,hoping that I was the only one in the house.
That thought immediately left my mind when I felt something hit my head and I fell to the floor.


________________________________(Edited,30/9-18 & 30/10-18)

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(Edited,30/9-18 & 30/10-18)

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