'No, Bellamy, please.'

'Miller, get her out of here.'

Miller moved to grab Octavia's upper arm, but the girl shrugged him off.

'I was there! I-' She exclaimed; 'Hey, get- get off of me!'

Byrd cut one of her hands free, flinging the knife across the room; the blade soaring between Octavia and Miller's head before it hit the wall with a bang.

'She said, get off,' She sneered as she undid her binding, holding Miller's gaze.

The boy took a step back with his hands in the air, his helper doing the same. Octavia nodded to her in thanks, surprised by her actions.

'I said to tie her up,' Bellamy spat as he glared at one of the boys.

'I don't even think he speaks English,' Octavia stated as she limped toward the hatch; 'He won't understand you.'

'Oh, I think he will,' Bellamy stated as he took a small step closer to Lincoln.

Byrd charged forward at the sight of her friend being silently threatened, only to be pushed up against the wall by her neck; a knife  held against her skin. She smirked at the boy, shaking her head; hardly wincing at the feeling of her skin being sliced slightly. Her arms were yanked together and bound in chains, linked to where she previously was. She held the chains in her hands, tugging on them lightly but she found no avail.

The girl could feel Lincoln's eyes on her as he watched her over his shoulder, but he didn't move; his face stoic as it usually was. She met his eyes for a second, his own flickering away as she became still; still holding the chains. Byrd leant against the wall then, acting as though she wasn't bound to a wall with a smirk on her lips.

'What're you gonna do, Chancellor?' She chided; 'Float him?'

'Would you stop calling me that?' Bellamy yelled.

'Only when you stop acting like you rule the world.'

He clenched his jaw, turning to face his hostage before taking a step closer to him.

'What's you name?' He asked, but Lincoln didn't reply; 'Where's your camp? How many of you are there?'

Lincoln looked at him bored, Byrd watching Bellamy's jaw tick as he clenched it and unclenched it out of anger before he threw a punch into the man's face. Suddenly the ship jolted as a loud bang echoed through it, the lights flickering for a second. She remained unmoved, the smirk not leaving her lips.

'Go see what that was,' The Blake boy demanded.

'Yes, chancellor,' She bowed, even though he wasn't speaking to her.

One of his followers clambered down the ladder quickly, leaving them to stand in silence; Bellamy's glare set on Byrd. Within minutes, the boy appeared at the top of the hatch; his gaze quickly landing on the grounder.

'What the hell was that? We under attack or not?' Bellamy asked instantly.

'Storm damage. We're ok,' The boy answered as he turned to close the hatch.

Bellamy nodded and strode up to Lincoln once more, 'We're gonna try this one more time. What's your name? Where's your camp? How many of you are there?'

Lincoln didn't reply, blood dripping down his face.

'Hey. Check it out,' Miller called.

Byrd looked over to where the boy was crouched, Bellamy and his other follower doing the same in front of him. They blocked her view, causing her to roll her eyes.

Guiltless Sin || John MurphyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz