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As Namjoon carried Yoongi to the kitchen, Jin made some nice milk. While for him and Namjoon, he made pancakes with a nice aroma. "Breakfast smells good." Namjoon said as he walked into the kitchen. "Yoongi-ah, we made some nice milk for you. You can eat pancakes tomorrow if you like." Jin told Yoongi.
But Yoongi just looked at him.

They both sighed but Jin grabbed the milk and handed it to Namjoon. Namjoon slowly set down Yoongi in a baby chair. Yoongi looked at the thing, it couldn't even fit a baby because it was so big. Then Namjoon put the milk in Yoongi's hand and sat down next to Jin to eat his pancakes.

Yoongi looked at the milk confused as Jin and Namjoon are their pancakes. It was weird since he felt like he was being treated as a toddler. Well that was the point but still. Yoongi just didn't do anything, then he hated it already. He bet that Hoseok is dying right now because of this boredom.

"Eat up Yoongi-ah." Jin smiled then went back to his food. He stayed still for another minute. Then Jin looked up again, "Come on you can do it, it is really yummy!" He encouraged him. Yoongi sighed and drank out of it, he was surprised. It tasted so sweet even better than the ones they had at the adoption center. He kept sucking until there was no more.

He whined, but then noticed he was caught in a trap. No he would not let them see his soft side. So he threw the bottle on the table. They both looked up. Yoongi regretted quickly. Even though Yoongi seemed tough he was also shy. Then Yoongi started sobbing and saying sorry. They both looked at each other,Jin,the closest one next to him,picked him up and patted his back.

Yoongi sobbed went down to coughing. "My poor angel, do you want more milk?" Namjoon asked. Yoongi nodded his head no. He sighed. "What's wrong baby?" Jin tried to ask. But suddenly Yoongi's eyes went wide open. He tried to wiggle himself out of Jin's arms. Jin catched on quick and let him down. "Scared of heights?" Jin laughed stroking his hair. Then Yoongi shouted a big, "No!".

Namjoon tried to pick him up but he got a push away from Yoongi. Yoongi crawled into a little corner and said. "Go away! Before I get Hobi!" He pouted. Then he realized he wasn't in the adoption center no more, and he didn't have Hobi. Both look at each other and gasped. "Oh you want Hobi?" Jin asked. Yoongi nodded. "I'll go call Jungkook." Namjoon said leaving.

Sorry this is short but I'm getting used to write again but I wanted to say that I am grateful to everyone who reads this. I personally think this is a awful story. I tried to base it off of Selection Day. But nothing will beat Selection Day. So I'm trying to be more creative and different.

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