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"you have to treat me today!"


"because you're the one making the big bucks!"




"elkie!" I whine, hitting her on the shoulder

"what, it's true!" she says with an innocent look on her face, "you literally have a net worth of over a million dollars ok? wikipedia knows all."

"you don't even know if that's true or not!" I half yell, laughing my head off, "but ok, I'll treat you today to 2 things or else you're going to make me go broke!"

we walk around the mall laughing our heads off and dropping into different stores. we're both wearing our disguises, and only a couple fans recognized us. surprisingly, they didn't do anything excessive, and only waved and took pictures. I need to pray to all the fandom gods that there are more fans like that. 

as we're walking around, elkie suddenly stops and locks her eyes on a store. I follow her gaze and stop at the front of


"you've GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!" I whine super loudly, whacking her on the head with the back of my hand. 

"hey! that hurt! and also, you said 2 things...you never specified a price range." she says, looking as innocent as possible.

"ok, but I meant- you know what, just drop it," I huff, pouting at her. my wallet is going to regret this soon.  "let's go." I say. pointing to the store. 

"YAYYYYYY!!!" she excitedly squeals, dragging me into the store. as we're walking into the store, we notice a growing crowd of fangirls around the stores, looking like crazy, panting dogs ready to capture their prey. elkie notices, but she keeps pushing on into the store, and I have no choice but to follow her. 

several girls give us deathly glares, and more yell "hey! we all want to see them! back off!"

as we're walking to the door, a meaty arm stops us both from the glass doors. 

"ladies, I'm going to have to stop you right there. a very distinguished guest is here today, and no one is allowed in besides his staff or friends. thank you for coming," he says, not even batting an eye.

"excuse me? do you KNOW who my best friend is? " elkie threatened.

I hold elkie back, trying to remind her to not reveal our identity. we could be under lots of fire if we were exposed getting in a fight with a random guard.

"I'm sure you are very important and have some big dreams of being like the next big kpop star or something. but CLEARLY you aren't even close to this guests status, judging by your terrible makeup and choice of clothes. now please move along, and go see your 'oppars' later at a registered time" he said in a condescending tone. 

did he really just-? and did he really say oppars?

 I'm really mad now. he just did that. assumed we were all meat-hungry fangirls dying to see our "oppars". and who the hell is this "distinguished guest" anyway? the president?

I glance at elkie to see how she's holding up. 

never mind.

she's not.

her face is as red as the glowing sun itself, and she looks like she's about to explode. just one word or touch will make blow up the entire place. 

"did you hear me? I said GO BACK HOME YOU IDIOT." the idiotic security guard says again, louder, and this time right in her face.

bad move bro.

"go back home huh," she says, in a mock disbelief tone, "well you won't be going home TONIGHT!" she yells voice striking the entire shopping mall. 

"really?" he says, sizing her up, and flexing his puny muscles.

"really." she says, her eyes practically glowing with rage.

"I recommend you just catch the nearest bus home alright babe?" he laughs, clearly thinking he's superior. 

he made another mistake calling her babe. 

at this point, I would recommend that he runs, as far as possible. 

she laughs dangerously, glaring at him right in the eyes. "catch a bus huh," she scoffs, cracking her knuckles, 

"the only thing you're going to be catching is my FISTS!" 





a/n: feel free to interact with me :) hope you've been enjoying so far!


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