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"the big hit trial, #52 begins as:

subject: Jeon Jungkook, 

problem: subject was seen entering JYP entertainment at a late hour. unauthorized photos were released of the event, causing a huge outrage and ripple among media and fans. the status of bts will be greatly deteriorated if this is not dealt with ASAP. 

witnesses: secretary miso lee, tzuyu of twice, 5 unknown fans

forces in question: JYP entertainment

urgency: must be dealt with IMMEDIETLY.

the meeting now commences."



the room quiets and everyone turns to look at the stout man at the front of the room. He clears his throat and begins. 

"last night one of the members of bangtan sonyeodan, jeon jungkook, was seen outside and entering the JYP building in the gangdam district. chou tzu-yu was also at the scene but not recognized, and followed him inside. 5 fans were also at the scene but the reason is still unclear. however, photos were taken and posted on multiple media outlets. jungkook also passed out in JYP entertainment and was put in the health wing of the building."

many of the executives in the room sigh, others shaking their heads. everyone shifts uncomfortably in their seats, taking in the information when the CEO begins talking again. 

"now jungkook, why don't you explain to the room full of people worried about you exactly what you did last night."

everyone in the room is staring at me, some angry, some annoyed, some relieved, but most negative. though it makes me feel guilty that so many were worried, it's not what hurts most. the 6 tired and despondent faces sitting in the very first row stab at me, their gazes cutting wounds into my heart. 

one is worried, another is relieved, one is almost sleeping, another is disappointed, one is sad, and the last one looks like they're about to yell, but they all have the same hints of sleep deprevation and worry. 

I take a deep breath and speak. "well, I left the studio really late that night, so I texted namjoon hyung that I would be walking home, and he didn't need to worry." I shakily say, eyeing the faces in the room. 

"namjoon, can you please show proof that he did?" bang pd calmly asks, gesturing to the worried leader. 

"yes as you can see here, he did text me at about 4 am that night, but he did not text me anything else at all after that." he says, showing his phone and text messages. the executives crane their necks to look at the phone, all taking this extremely seriously. 

"interesting. jungkook, please continue." 

"as I was walking home, I noticed a group of fangirls were following me. I tried to throw them off by walking faster, but I did not know they could run that fast in heels. girls should get a prize or something, am I right?" I stupidly say, trying to lighten the mood. 

the room responds with a wave of glares.

I cough awkwardly and continue. 

"anyway, I wanted to go back home, but I could not because the girls were tailing me, and if I revealed where we lived, that would put all 7 members in danger. therefore, I was trying to find somewhere to duck in temporarily," I say, looking around at everyone's reactions. thankfully, it landed well, and some of the executives didn't look like they wanted to kick me out anymore. 

"my only choices were the jyp entertainment building and a bar, and obviously a bar would cause more controversy than jyp, so I decided to try for that building instead," I said, trying to use my logic and emulate my leader's IQ. 

"then how did you end up knocked out?" one of the officials asks, clearly waiting for an explanation. 

"actually...i'm not sure." I say foolishly, scratching my head. 

"please tell me you have a good explanation for this," one of the other executives mutters.

"you see, all I remember is me running into the building, and then a girl with a red bag was chasing me, and I panicked so I ran upstairs. I thought I lost her, but apparently not because she appeared right in front of me in one of the hallways, and then..." I stop, struggling to remember what happened, "and then the next thing I remember is waking up in JYP" I stutter with my head down.

the room is silent as everyone mulls over what I just said. everyone is making decisions, how they were going to deal with this, how they were going to deal with the fangirls, and how they were going to deal with me. 

bang's cough rings out in the room and everyone immediately looks back up at him. 

"jungkook, I think you've given us plenty to think about today; everyone, please send in your ideas on how to fix this by 2 pm today, so we can deal with this as promptly and smartly as we can. this trial is released and set to be closed at a later time. you are all dismissed," he dictates, everyone frantically gathering their papers and getting out as fast as they can.

I overhear one of them chuckling to one of their coworkers, "bang's about to go boom", and they chuckle together while getting out of their as fast as their short legs will take them. 

"bangtan, thank you for your time today. namjoon and the other members, I hope you will be able to teach him correctly and set a better example for him this time. as close as you guys are, you are his hyung, and he is constantly learning from you all. you guys may leave. jungkook, please stay behind and talk to me."

I gulp nervously and walk back to the glowering pd, getting more and more nervous as he stares me down. 

"jungkook, we are giving you one more chance," he states.

"UNTIL I HAVE TO LEAVE BANGTAN?" I exclaim, nerves busting over.

"no, of course not. that would be a ridiculously dumb move on the CEO side of me. however, we will postpone or even cancel your solo mixtape album if you cannot stay in line." those few words wrecked everything.

postpone. cancel. solo. mixtape.

"no, nO, NO, NO PD I WILL DO ANYTHING YOU WANT! I PROMISE TO BEHAVE! JUST NOT MY MIXTAPE!" I yell frantically, thinking about all the tracks I have in the golden closet. 

"alright then. you better do well on this show, or else we will not let you do any more solo activities for a long. long. time." he enforces, making the message crystal clear. 

"thank you so much PD! I promise to work extremely hard from now on!"  I say while bowing a full 90 degrees. 

he acknowledges me and drops his pen down on the table, and then walks out of the room. 

when he leaves I straighten up and think to myself.

"how the heck am I supposed to do this?"




a/n: feel free to interact with me :) hope you've been enjoying so far!


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