Because Of You

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from the show, or the show it's self. I just own my own characters.

Because of You is the title of this chapter and is a song by Kelly Clarkson. I do not own.

The ending quote is part of a song by Less Than Jake titled Rest of My Life. I do not own.

The Kaiba Twins Revised
Chapter Eighteen: Because of You

Katrina sat on her bed staring out into nothingness; Egypt lay at her side - curled into a ball, sleeping. The bedroom door cracked open slowly, catching Katrina's attention.

"Can I come in?" Sahirah asked.

Katrina looked over at the clock. 1:37. It was late and she had work in the morning but Katrina wasn't tired. "Yeah, come on in."

Sahirah stepped in and closed the door behind her before walking over to the bed and taking a seat at the end of it. "So…" She began but left the conversation trailing.

Katrina raised a brow at her twin and pushed her hair behind her ear. This movement caused her bracelet to ride up her arm a little and that was all it took to grab Katrina's attention. She stared at it, and for the first time she really took in the designs on the pyramids. "So…" Katrina began, but unlike her sister she knew what she was going to say next. "Our friend not only kidnapped us but he wanted to kill us."

Sahirah cringed at the sharpness in Katrina's voice, even though she knew her twin was right. "Yeah, pretty much."

Katrina rolled her eyes. "What a story to tell my grandchildren one day."

Sahirah concealed a smile. "Grandchildren? Katrina seriously, you don't even want kids."

Katrina shrugged her shoulders. "Maybe I do - I'll raise them my way."

Sahirah laughed. "Yeah, so there will be demonic little Katrina's running around, terrorizing old people and picking on little kids. Awesome."

"They'd probably think I was crazy, you know talking about spirits in our heads and all those shenanigans." Katrina added.

Sahirah lay on her stomach across the bottom on the bed.

"What do you think all that was today? What the hell was that place we went to? How was any of that even possible?" Katrina whispered.

Sahirah looked over at her; she wasn't ready for the sudden switch in moods. "I'm not sure, Kat."

"I mean, why? Why was it us who got this… jewelry."

Sahirah paused for a moment. "It seems so unreal. I wish I had all the answers."

"It's a burden now." Katrina hugged her knees to her chest.

Sahirah nodded her head in agreement. "I want to understand what happened today. I do. I mean we knew about Yugi and his puzzle, but what about Ryou? And what about Marik?"

Katrina flinched at Marik's name, but not because she was mad or that she feared him. It was more because of how he sounded before he left: upset. "He said he was going to explain everything to me tomorrow, well today, when I get off work."

"I wish that Time or Lyric would say something useful to us. Time is just celebrating that the power wasn't stolen."

Katrina nodded her head. "I'm glad too. Lyric says it wouldn't be fair if she explained it, but that I need to learn it myself."

Sahirah yawned and crawled closer to Egypt. "Mind if I spend the night in here?" She asked.

"Knock yourself out." Katrina answered.

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