Handguns and Second Chances

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from the show, or the show it's self. I just own my own characters.

Handguns and Second Chances is the title of this chapter and is a song by Senses Fail. I do not own.

The Kaiba Twins Revised

Chapter Two : Handguns and Second Chances

When morning broke Katrina was already up and ready to go to her new school. She made her way downstairs and headed in the direction that she hoped the kitchen was in. She thankfully was right when she pushed open the door and the scent of bacon filled her nose. "Good morning, young miss." Tierney smiled at her as he grabbed the eggs from the refrigerator.

Katrina looked at him. "Good morning."

"Take a seat. What would you like for breakfast?" He asked, walking over to the oven and flipping a pancake over.

"Wow, you're making a lot of food, aren't you?" She asked, looking at the different pans on the stove top.

"Well I cook for everyone in the house. The maids, Charles, George, your siblings, you, and of course my self." He answered as he scrambled some eggs and poured them in a pan. "Bacon?"

"Oh, yes please. Can I have some eggs too?" She asked, as she took a seat.

"Of course, miss." He grabbed a plate and placed some bacon on it.

"Please, just call me Katrina, or Kat. No need to call me miss, I don't like it." She smiled at him.

"Of course. Would you like milk, orange juice, coffee, or apple juice?" He placed some eggs on her plate.

"Apple juice."

Seto walked into the kitchen and made his way to the coffee machine. He poured himself a cup and looked at the girl at the table. "Morning."

She looked at him. "Morning."

Sahirah walked in with Mokuba. The boy took a seat next to Katrina and Sahirah sat on the opposite side of him. "Good morning, Katrina. Good morning Seto." Mokuba greeted them.

Tierney placed Katrina's plate and drink in front of her. "What can I get everyone else?"

After breakfast the siblings headed to the limo. There was a man standing at the back door in a black suit. "He looks like he's dressed to be in the Men In Black movie." Sahirah whispered to Katrina.

"Mmhm." The twin agreed.

"This is George." Mokuba stated as they reached the car. George opened the door and waited for them to climb in.

"I thought we were going to school." Sahirah stated.

"We are." Seto stated.

"Isn't there a school bus?" Sahirah asked.

"We don't take a bus." Mokuba laughed. "George drives us everywhere." He added.

After dropping Mokuba off at his school George started for the high school. "So Seto, what exactly do you do for your company?" Sahirah asked.

"Everything. I own it, I run it." Seto answered.

"Wow. That's a lot for someone your age." She stated. Katrina rolled her eyes and looked out the window.

"What did you two do in the states?" He asked.

"Well I just did some babysitting." Sahirah answered.

Seto looked at Katrina, but she was quietly looking out the window. "What about you Katrina?" He asked.

Katrina looked at him and then look at Sahirah, who was biting her lip but waiting for her to talk. "I did some volunteer work at an animal shelter for a while but then dropped that and did some time at an elder community home." She answered.

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