Cure My Tragedy

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from the show, or the show it's self. I just own my own characters.

Cure My Tragedy is the title of this chapter and is a song by Cold. I do not own.

The Kaiba Twins Revised
Chapter Fourteen: Cure My Tragedy

A cold nose and wet tongue woke Katrina from her peaceful sleep. The girl pushed away from the wetness and squinted her eyes. "Egypt!" She whined. "I don't want to go to school."

The brindle colored pitbull sat down on Katrina's pillow and looked at the girl, tail wagging. Her legs trembled with excitement as she tried to calm herself.

"Alright, I'll go - but I won't be happy." She pointed out.

The dog stood up happily and jumped off the bed as the teen rolled onto her feet. Egypt sat by the door and looked back at Katrina, who wasn't moving fast enough for her, and let out a cry.

"Hold your horses. I'm moving, don't rush me." Katrina complained as she walked over to her canine companion. She pet the dog on the head and opened the door, watching her walk across the hallway to Sahirah's door. Katrina smiled and walked over to open the door for the dog, who raced inside. Katrina quickly retreated to her room to get dressed.

"GAH!" A yell came from Sahirah's room. "Egypt! You scared me!" There was a moment of silence before a loud bang was made followed by a soft apology.

Katrina laughed and pulled her uniform top on. She turned to face the mirror and grabbed her brush before detangling her hair with it. In the reflection of the mirror she watched her door open and a pouting Sahirah step into the room. "What's wrong?" Katrina asked her twin innocently.

"Well first I was having this awesome dream about magic and monsters and then out of nowhere I felt something POUNCE on me and start licking my face." Sahirah stated.

"Oh, really? That must have been interesting."

Sahirah pouted again. "And then I tripped over Egypt when I got out of bed."

Katrina laughed. "And she didn't even sleep in your room."

Sahirah sighed before smiling at her sister. "Looks like you're feeling better today."

Katrina smiled back. "Yep." She placed the brush down and turned to face her twin. "You're not even dressed yet? God, you're lazy."

Sahirah looked at her and frowned. "Hey, I just woke up." She stated as she turned back to head to her room.

"Watch out for-"


"...Egypt." Katrina finished as she laughed.

"Stop picking on me." Sahirah mumbled from the floor.

Katrina laughed and hopped over her sister before helping her off the floor. "See you in the kitchen." She stated before bouncing down the stairs, Egypt following behind her.

Sahirah watched her sister for a moment before entering her room.

Katrina entered the kitchen, radiating energy, which stunned her two brothers.

Mokuba blinked twice before smiling encouragingly at her. "Good morning Katrina."

She beamed at him. "Good morning kiddo."

Seto raised a brow. "I guess you're feeling better?"

"I feel amazing." She took a seat at the table. "I slept great. I feel like a million bucks."

"I'm glad you're feeling better Katrina." Tierney stated from the stove. "Would you like some French toast and sausage for breakfast?"


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