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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from the show, or the show it's self. I just own my own characters.

Monument is the title of this chapter and is a song by A Day to Remember. I do not own.

The Kaiba Twins Revised
Chapter Seventeen: Monument

It was a long, rainy day in Domino City. People jogged across the streets and down the sidewalks under umbrellas to keep themselves dry. Windshield wipers moved quickly across smooth glass allowing drivers to see properly.

Sahirah was on the second floor of the library, sitting at a study desk with three books spread out in front of her. She secretly kept hoping that one book would return again - but so far no such luck.

'Be patient. It will show up when it needs to.' Time sang-song in her head.

"Well I want it now. I NEED it to show up now." She growled.

A younger boy in the book aisle next to her looked at her and slowly inched his way down the aisle away from her.

Sahirah growled again in annoyance. 'Oh well, I better just make due with what I have.' She thought to herself as she began reading the books again. Opening a book she turned to a page on the village houses, and the market places. Lazily, she flipped through the pages, not really paying attention to what was on them. She saw a picture of a hut pass by as she was skimming, and she quickly scrambled back to the page. 'This looks so familiar.' She thought to herself.

Time was paying attention now. 'Hey - it does.' She agreed.

Sahirah began to read the tiny description under the picture - but her vision started getting foggy, the words blurred as her head began to pound. She felt like she was going to fall through the chair and grabbed onto the desk. Her body slumped down in the chair as her mind slipped away.

Time Dreamer and Lyric Bird raced down the steps, which lead them into an underground cave area. It was lit with fire torches on the walls. "Where are we?" Time whispered.

"It seems I have some intruders here." A male voice spoke out from the shadows.

Time grabbed onto Lyric's arm. "Who said that?" She spoke out.

The person stopped their advance on the girls only to laugh. "I am your worst nightmare."

Suddenly the girl's realized that there were multiple persons walking around them, moving in on them, like hunters.

"I am the shadow in the night." The male voice continued.

Time and Lyric didn't need him to continue to know who he was. This man was very dangerous - he was feared throughout Egypt. The two girls took a step back, causing the man to move a step forward.

"I am the King of Thieves," He stated as he stepped out of the shadows, earning a gasp from both girls. "Bakura."

Lyric regained her composure and pushed her sister toward the stairs. "Time, run!" She yelled, as she stumbled up the steps herself.

Time burst through the door of the hut and fell onto the sand.

Lyric quickly picked her up and pulled her along, as the attempted to escape. They stumbled in the sand and got hit in the face from the wheat grass they were pushing through.

A man stepped out in front of them, causing them to scream as they fell backward. "Now girls, don't make this difficult - our king just wants your company." The man laughed after he spoke.

The twins scrabbled back and hit into another pair of legs. They turned to see another thief, and Lyric screamed at the top of her lungs. The scream was so high-pitched it caused the thieves to cover their ears. Lyric grabbed Time's hand again and the both went off running again. Soon they could see the village through the grass; they knew they'd be free. Or so they thought.

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