Anyway You Want It

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from the show, or the show it's self. I just own my own characters.

Anyway You Want It is the title of this chapter and is a song by Rise Against. I do not own.

The Kaiba Twins Revised

Chapter Nine: Anyway You Want It

The sun was high in the sky and the temperature was rather warm. Warmer than Sahirah would have liked. She looked around and saw that there were tall stone buildings with paintings on the walls. The gray eyed teen noticed that no one could see her, or they were really good at ignoring her. Then a man walked right through her.

'Eep!' She thought to herself as he confirmed that this scene she was seeing wasn't real. She noticed two girls walking down one hallway, they were talking softly to each other. A few rooms ahead of them a shadowed man stepped out of a room.

"You two are running late again. Hurry up!" He commanded getting one of the girls to quicken her pace.

"Sorry Master Seth." The faster of the two blurted out as she passed him and entered the room.

The second girl stopped next to Seth and paused for a moment. "You shouldn't rush us." She stated, but before he could make a comment back to her, she stepped into the room.

Inside this room there was another figure, a woman this time. "Tardiness isn't acceptable."

The first girl apologized as the two of them bowed to the woman.

"I would like to know how training at home has been." The woman stated.

"Things have been fine with me. The birds seem very eager to communicate. I can make out some words, but the others are still garbled nonsense." The second girl stated.

"My meditation is helping my visions clear up a little bit, but for the most part they're still clouded." The first girl explained.

"At least it's some kind of progress. But I was hoping you two would have pushed yourselves a little more." The woman stated as she walked across the room, and as she was reaching for an object on the table, the two tall double doors opened to reveal yet another shadowed figure. The instructor turned to face the doors.

"Pharaoh?" She questioned as he began to enter the room.

Sahirah woke with a start as her alarm clock rang out into the once silent room. She hit the off button and glared at the sun that was peeking through her window. She huffed and stood from her bed and make her way to the dresser, tripping over a large, hard object. "Oh sorry Egypt!" She explained and she bent down to pet her new family member on the head.

Egypt wagged her tail and stood up, following Sahirah around the room as the girl got dressed to go out with Ryou and Jou. The teen slipped some socks on before heading out of her room, the canine following behind her.

Katrina's door was wide open, proving that she was already up and downstairs. Said girl was sitting on the couch watching her younger brother play some video games. The raven haired girl smiled and looked over the back of the couch as she heard the clanking noise of Egypt's tags on her collar. "Hey baby girl!" She called out to the dog as she reached the bottom of the steps.

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