The Wanderlust

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters from the show, or the show it's self. I just own my own characters.

The Wanderlust is the title of this chapter and is a song by Flogging Molly. I do not own.

The Kaiba Twins Revised
Chapter Three: The Wanderlust

Sahirah woke that morning and got dressed before stumbling her tired body down the stairs to the kitchen. She was tired, more tired than she usually got in the morning. Last night her dreams were filled with visions of a faraway land, a long time ago. She could have sworn that Yugi was in her dream too, and it didn't make sense, but then again it could happen.

As she pushed the kitchen door open she saw Katrina sitting at the table, a bowl of Cookie Crisp in front if her. "Morning Kat." She greeted her. Her older sister looked at her and then back to her cereal. "What's wrong?" She asked.

Katrina looked back at her again. "What did you tell them last night?" She asked.

Sahirah tilted her head slightly. "Tell who what?" She asked, walking over to the pantry to look for something to eat.

"Seto and Mokuba. When they asked about our friends. What did you tell them?" She asked, scooping a spoonful of her cereal before shoving it in her mouth.

Sahirah spotted a box of Cocoa Puffs and grabbed it. "Oh I told them about Jenna and Maggie. And then I said you have two friends named Tom and Mike that were somewhat trouble makers. I didn't tell them anything else."

Katrina looked at her twin. "Not even about the accident?" She asked.

"No. Nothing." Sahirah lied.

Katrina watched her for a moment. "Not like that matters anymore." She shrugged.

"Don't even pretend." Sahirah glared at her. Katrina rolled her eyes and shrugged her shoulders again.

Mokuba walked into the kitchen at that time with Seto behind him. "G'morning sisters." The boy grinned at them. They both smiled back and went back to eating their breakfast. Seto made his way over to the coffee machine and poured himself a cup before sitting at the table with the others. Mokuba filled his bowl with the Cocoa Puffs that were sitting on the table.

After breakfast they all headed to the limo like the day before. Mokuba talked about video games to Sahirah and tried to drag Katrina into the conversation, but just said that she didn't really play them, leaving the two gray eyed siblings to talk. George dropped Mokuba off at school and then headed to the high school. "Sir, are you going to the office after school?" George asked.

"Yes, I have some paperwork to fill out. You can drop me off after you drop the girls off at home." He answered. The three of them piled out of the limo and into the school courtyard.

"Sahirah, Katrina!" Yugi called out to them, waving his hand in the air.

Katrina and Sahirah walked over to him, and the rest of the gang. "Good morning everyone." Sahirah greeted.

"Good morning. Hey I was wondering if you two wanted to hang out after school today. We're all going to the arcade down town." Yugi offered.

Katrina looked at him. "I don't really play video games." She looked at Sahirah who looked kind of upset. "But, I don't see why not." She answered. "What do you think Sahirah?" She asked, smirking at her twin.

Sahirah's face lit up. "I'd love to."

Yugi smiled at them. "Alright!"

During lunch Katrina walked over to Seto to tell him of their plans for after school. "Seto." She greeted him, getting his attention from the book his was looking at.

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