camera flash

45 3 2

[trigger warning-sexually explicit content lol read until you see the stars '***' if you're not into that shit and scroll until you see another three stars '***']
I wrote 30 days left in the notepad Orlando gave me long ago when I released my fourth album Witness.
"To celebrate." He said. "I know it's not much, but this notepad belonged to my family for generations-and it hasn't been broken at all, and hopefully it never will be either, just like our relationship, so in a way this is celebrating us, too. Maybe you can write your song ideas in it babe!"

I wiped a tear away as I scribbled the date underneath what I wrote. I grabbed my phone and scrolled through social media, seeing thousands of prayers and love from family, friends and most importantly, my fans-my KatyCats-my world. I liked a few posts and retweeted a couple of tweets before putting my phone on silent and opening a drawer to put it in when I noticed a thick, silver pen length object. I put my phone in the drawer and took the item out, twisting it. It began to vibrate.

I smirked. I have been a little stressed and upset lately, I thought to myself. Perhaps I could have a little fun with myself, to cheer up.

*  *  *

I took all my clothes off and lay on the couch naked, grabbing the vibrator and twisting it, watching it vibrate for a few seconds. I trailed it between my breasts and led it down to my thighs, circling it around. I started to play with my breast with my free hand, flicking at my nipple and groaning.

I moved the vibrator towards my clit, pressing down on it lightly. I moaned softly as I moved it around my clit, the tip collecting my juices. I arched my back as I moved it closer to my entrance before pushing it in.

I moaned loudly this time, thrusting the vibrator in and out of my pussy. "Fuck, that feels so good" I groaned as I continued to move the vibrator around until I found my G-spot. Once I found it I pressed the vibrator on it and I arched my back, twisting the vibrator more until it got to the quickest. I moaned again, back still arched. "Oh god, fuck." I was so close.

*  *  *


uddenly I heard a click and saw a camera flash. I looked at the window to see someone running away, fast.
"Oh no. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck" I said, throwing the vibrator on the couch, grabbing a sofa throw and wrapping it around me before running towards the window and seeing no-one in the distance.

I shut the window and drew the curtains making sure there were no gaps.
Someone is watching me-and they have pictures of me naked.

"Okay, so let me get this straight," I said into the phone. "Someone got pictures of you naked?"
Katy sniffed. "Yes they did. I'm so stupid, Alexa. Why didn't I close the window and curtains? Or why couldn't I have just been more patient and went upstairs to my room instead? I'm really scared, what if they leak the picture? What if the whole world sees it? What will everyone think of me?"

She started breathing heavily down the phone. "Katy, it's okay. I promise, everything's going to be okay. I'll think of something, don't worry. I'll come over to your house right now. Just stay calm, and make sure you shut your windows."

*at katy's house

"So you have no idea what this person looks like?" I questioned. "No idea at all?"
Katy shook her head, tears flowing down her face as she paced the room.
"This is hopeless," she declared before sitting down next to me on the couch, sobbing with her head in her hands. "We'll never find them, the nudes will be leaked and everyone will hate me. Again."
I put my arm around her, whispering comforting words to her. I know what she means when she said everyone would hate her again- the Witness era has been really tough for her. And with Orlando's death and someone taking a picture of her naked too, I can only imagine how upset she would be in.

I had to come up with a plan, and fast.

Then it hit me.

"Katy! I know how to catch them!" I said excitedly, whispering the plan in Katy's ear. She then smiled, wiping her tears away.
"Oh my god Alexa, you're a genius!" Katy squealed, pulling me up from the couch with her, spinning us around and kissing me on the lips excitedly. After pulling away, she realised what she did and blushed, smiling. I blushed too, biting my lip and looking directly into Katy's eyes. I held her hands tightly and kissed her tear stained cheek.

"We'll catch them, whoever they are. I promise."

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