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I opened my eyes slowly. Was it all a dream? I tried to turn over but suddenly I felt excruciating pain in my arm. I flinched and I started to feel pain everywhere that was painful enough for me to let out a little squeal.

I was in a hospital bed. There were tubes everywhere and I had a cast on my right arm and left leg. It was all real.
All horribly real. So that must mean...


"Orlando!" I cried. "Orlandooo!" I looked all around to see if I could find him, but he was nowhere to be seen. Tears dripped out of the corners of my eyes.I
He's dead. The love of my life is dead.
And it's all my fault.
"Orlando." I cried weakly.
A nurse walked in. "I see you're awake, Ms Hudson."
My head hurt from crying so much and from the tubes that injected medicines into me, so I could barely think straight. "A-awake?" I mumbled.
"Well of course," the nurse replied. "You've opened your eyes for the first time in 7 days."
"7 days." I mumbled again. "Wait, I've been asleep for 7 days?" I questioned.
The nurse nodded. "You were in a coma. It was a pretty bad one too-we thought we were going to lose you."
I sighed.

"Well you seem a little lonely, maybe one day I should bring my step sister in to entertain you." The nurse suggested.
I shrugged my shoulders. "Maybe. What's she like?"
"She's wonderful, her name's Alexa. She loves listening to your music!" The nurse smiled and I grinned. "Oh and did I forget to mention? She's a raging lesbian. I don't think you needed to know that, though." She continued and I grinned more. I love the LGBT+ community, and it sounds like I will like Alexa.

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