"Stupid girl." Ginny looks taken aback at this as my eyes narrow at the one who has caused so much destruction. "Harry Potter is dead. From this day forth, put your faith in me."

He strides over to his followers, proudly beaming as he confirms his victory once more, "Harry Potter is dead!" They all start cackling as if this is the best day of their lives.

"Now is the time to declare yourself. Come forward and join us, or die."

Everyone remains quiet, careful not to move an inch as he expectantly awaits us to falter. Voldemort surveys the crowd until his eyes rest upon Draco and that's when Lucius Malfoy pleads to his son, "Draco..."

Mrs. Malfoy also calls out for her only son, "Draco, come."

My eyes follow those of Draco's parents to spot him with a quivering lip. I can see the trembles from afar as he terrifyingly looks around at his peers, worried about what will happen if he steps forward.

Shakily, Draco takes a few steps as he approaches the one he referred to as 'The Dark Lord', the one who has caused him a desperate longing for freedom. When his figure aligns with mine, he locks eyes with me as a way to silently ask if he can do it. I nod my head simply, knowing that he will make the right decision.

Voldemort begins opening his arms for Draco, praising him for making an excellent choice. Draco stops however and sternly says, "No, I will not join you. No longer am I a pawn in your plan to destroy everything and everyone in your path."

All of the death eaters gasp, clearly taken aback by his actions. I smirk at Draco's words, proud of him for using his gift. Voldemort speaks up, "You must have taken one too many spells to the head, Draco. Come now or-"

A sudden confidence arises in Draco, "Or what? You'll kill me and my parents? I'm done following orders and would rather die a free man than bow down to you." A look of pure fear washes across his parent's faces as they pale. 

It grows silent as we watch Voldemort's face turn into a vengeful one. He raises his wand up, making his target clear. 

As he begins casting the killing curse, I run forward in front of Draco, "Protego." The curse vanishes, frustrating the enemy even more. 

Voldemort chuckles as he stares at me, "And who might you be? You're foolish to think you can protect Draco, let alone yourself."

I take a step towards him, my lips deviously curling upwards, "Alexia Mikaelson. You may not know me now, but by the end of all this, you are never going to forget my name, even in death."

My stance challenges him and he laughs again, "Little girl, you cannot kill me."

"First of all, I'm not a little girl since I'm over a thousand years old and second, let's test that theory shall we?" Voldemort's eyes widen along with the other death eaters upon hearing my age, making me enjoy this feeling.

He raises his wand, ready to duel me. Draco proudly speaks, "You're no match for her. She's an original vampire who can't be killed." 

I peer at Draco, "Correction...I'm an original vampire who just so happens to be the creator of our type of magic. Should be an easy fight."

Voldemort drops his arm as his face morphs into one of pure surprise and confusion, "That can't be."

I smile evilly at him, "I speak the truth." Others behind me whisper about how we are all saved or utterly shocked at this revelation. Draco's eyes also show hints of shock but yet at the same time, he accepts it so easily.

Before I can duel the devil in disguise, Neville steps forward, "I'd like to say something." His beaten up body staggers forward, "It doesn't matter that Harry is gone. People die everyday...friends...family. We lost Harry tonight, he's still with us in here," he says, pointing to his heart.

He starts listing off those who have fallen. "They didn't die in vain, but you will because you're wrong! Harry's heart beats for all of this and it's not over thanks to everyone here, Alexia included!"

I admire Neville's powerful words, knowing that his role in all of this is just as important as mine. After his speech, Harry jumps out of Hagrid's arms, surprising us all. That's when Voldemort realizes that this war isn't over. 

Harry runs into the castle with Voldemort aggressively casting spells. The death eaters start freaking out, fleeing in fear of losing. 

Some remain put, heading inside the castle to fight the good. I spot Draco's parents ushering him away from it all, but I run forward.

His parents stop in their tracks when they see me. "So that's it? You are going to run away like cowards, taking the only one who has any amount of confidence down with you?"

Draco steps forward to warn me, "Alexia, don't."

"No, Draco it's time they face the truth. Draco deserves better than what you gave him. He didn't deserve the torment he went through and the pressure put on him by Voldemort. Your son risked his life and gave up his normality to protect the Malfoy name. The least you can do is let him make his own decisions."

I get my entire speech out in one breath and when I stop, his parents are speechless while Draco is beaming at me. Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy exchange a look, so I take that as my cue to leave them be.

As I head back to the numerous battles occurring throughout the entrance to the castle, I witness Harry and Voldemort casting spells as Harry tries to kill Nagini.  

Harry falls to the ground, so I look at Voldemort, "stupefy!" He falls into the wall and looks at me angrily. I shrug my shoulders, "This duel may be between you and Harry, but I don't always like to play by the rules."

My comment allows enough time for Harry to gather himself once more in a defensive stance. As more spells and curses soar throughout the empty air, pieces of the castle cave in and tumble to the floor. 

I worry as Harry flies back and falls right onto his back against the stone. He turns his head to search for the basilisk fang but his face falls when it is destroyed. 

Hermione runs in and joins me as we stare at the snake slithering its way down the stairs, looking at us as if we were his next meal. 

Hermione looks at me and ushers me to leave, "Fred just woke up." I glance at her, silently asking if she will be alright without me. "Go, I've got this."

She doesn't have to convince me anymore as I start making my way towards the Great Hall where I finally have to face the reality of Fred finding what happened with the cure. Part of me feels guilty, knowing I still abolished a choice in the matter, but I also know that he would have never done it for himself.

I just hope that he can forgive me for everything I've put him through because I'm not sure I can live my eternity knowing he resents me.

Not quite the ending I had anticipated for this chapter, but was a good place to cut off before the next one. Anyways, I made some tweaks as you can tell to the storyline, but I enjoyed writing it! Vote/comment if you can 

Until next time (which won't be as long of a wait) 

x Lena 

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