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He's in the desert, that's where we ended up landing down. It's the middle of summer, and everything is dry. Flammable.

I reach down and feel the sand as it runs past my fingers, then gaze up at the others. They've all starting walking around, weapons drawn and muscles tense.

"Do you really believe he would just be out in the open like this? It's the dessert, he can't stand the heat. But the desert is known for mirages..." I trail off as I think of something. "Everyone go stand in the ship."

"What? Why?" Banner asks, wiping sweat away with his shirt

"What happens to sand when it's heated, Doctor Banner?"

"Well, it becomes gla- get on the ship guys come on!"
They all rush onto the ship and fly it above me.

This is it. I need to focus.

I take some deep breaths, stab the sand with one of my arrows, and let my fires out. They shoot like electricity through the sand, creating veins of glass around me until one hits something.

What in Odin's name?!

I know I only have a few seconds, and I make my decision I release myself and feel the wind around me slowly start to pick up, getting faster and faster until I'm in the middle of a sand tornado.

"YOU!! I thought I had taken car of you long ago! Though I must say, you do seem slightly stronger now, little sister."

I burn all the sand, trapping Loki in the giant glass funnel with me. Slowly opening my eyes, I see before me the man that we have been chasing for three years, the one that has caused so much pain and suffering.

But I also see a lost soul. Someone who never thought they were enough, who was always stuck in someone else's shadow. I see a version of me. Of what I could've become.

Do not flatter yourself, there is nothing similar between us except for our father.

"Oh, dear brother. Don't you see? I am fire and you are ice, and the humans have told tales about how we both will destroy the world. Why not just try and live in it, and see what happens?" I hold a hand out to him, and gaze into his eyes.

"I'd rather kill you." He snarls as he lunges for me, arms growing blue.

"So be it." I open my arms, tilt my head back, and close my eyes. I can hear the ship whirring above us, the crunch of broken glass as he runs towards me. Feeling the heat of the sun, I smile.

He plunges his knife into my chest, piercing my heart. Flames explode from me, burning his hands and erasing the blue from him. I fall as I hear shouting in the distance. Something wet falls on my face as thing go dark.

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