Ground team

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I wake up to blaring alarms.

"Uggh. What the crap guys, I'm sleeping." I groggily moan. Maybe if I put my pillow over my head... nope.

I hear footsteps and shouting outside my door.

"Fenna! Fenna! You need to come to the main control room, we think we got a hit!"

"So much for sleeping in." I sigh as I slip my shoes on. First rule of living on a ship: always have clothes on. People forget knocking is a thing.

I jog down the corridor, and slip in next to Bruce and Natasha.

"Understa- oh, Fenna how nice of you to join us. If you had woken up on time-" I cut Fury off with an eye roll.

"We talked about this yesterday, and you said I could sleep in as late as I wanted to, since I was the only who stayed and cleaned while everyone else ate junk food."

"Hey, shawarma is not junk food." Tony pipes in.

"Ok, enough!" Fury exclaims."Fenna, long story short we think we found the guy, we had a sighting on him at this location," he points to a spot on the map. "But that was an hour ago, and it's surrounded by dense forestry. We'll need to have a team on foot."

"Am I on said team?" I ask as I look around at the others.

"You are." Thor says. "Along with Dr. Banner, Natasha and I."

"Okay. Let's go."

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