Christmas present

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I'm woken up by shouts coming from downstairs. I quickly slip my shoes on and sprint down the stairs, hoping the didn't start opening the presents without me.

"No! You can't do that!" I hear my father shout, and a response is muttered back.

I freeze, thinking maybe they didn't hear me. They continue talking, using a lot of big words, and I'm just about to go back to bed when I hear my name.

"We just want to ask Fenna a few questions..." A woman says. She sounds old... and mean. I slowly peek from behind the wall, and see my parents facing me, and a white haired lady with a redhead girl next to her have their backs to me.

Momma glances over at me, and I duck back behind the wall.

"It's getting late, she's already asleep by now, so it's best if you both leave. No, don't-"

I look down, and the redhead - she's maybe the same age as my babysitter - is looking up at me.

"Hello, Fenna. Do you like guessing games?" She asks, and shows me a small rectangle box when I nod my head. Now everyone is at the bottom of the stairs.

"If you guess what is in this box, you'll get a treat." The old lady says.

"And, and if I don't get it right?" I mumble.

"Oh, I'm sure that won't happen, we'll even give you hints! First hint, it's powerful."

"Is it a battery?"

"Noo, it's not a battery sweetie," I cringe when she calls me sweetie. She said it like its a bad word. "Second hint, it's made of things you can find in the woods."

Is it aaaaa.... Spear? Like with rock, a stick, and, and maybe some vine!"

She laughs. "Close, but no. Think more... Make believe."

My parents look worried. Am I not going to get it right? I think really really hard, and almost fall over when I figure it out. Before I can register my parents scared expressions, I shout out: "A WAND!!"

The old lady smiles wider, and looks over at my parents. The don't look happy.

"Yes, sweetie, it is a wand! More importantly, it's your wand now." She forces through the fake smile, and hands me the box. I don't open it.

"Th- thank you." I fake a yawn. Rub my eyes. "Can I go back to bed now, momma?" I ask, and she instantly seems relieved.

"Aren't you going-" momma cuts the old lady off.

"Yes, dear. You can. Give my your present, and you can open it when you wake up, ok?" She reaches for the box, and I gladly hand it to her. She acts like the box is heavy. Silly momma.

I mumble my response, and head back up stairs.

I'm jolted awake by nothing.

"Just another dream." I mutter, and roll over to go back to sleep, when I realize something.

The redhead looked a lot like Natasha.

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