My name

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No one else noticed, so I just made a mental note. It's been a couple of days since then, and things have been pretty peaceful. The guys went out for shawarma, so it's just Natasha and I. I'm working on a new painting and she's practicing some punches when she pauses and looks over at me.

"Can I ask you something?" She says while wiping the sweat off her forehead.


"Why did your parents name you Fenna?"

I put my paintbrush down, and look over at her.

"Well, my mother told me that it means peace." I chuckle." And my father said it was that or Marie."

She nods, and then asks me where I learned how to fight.

"Well, I guess I'm self taught. I mean, I've never taken classes on fighting, I just sorta... know. Ya' know?"

"Show me." She faces me.

"I'd rather not. I don't really like fighting."

She shrugs, and then tries to hit the back of my head, but I grab her arm and spin her so her back is to me.

"Good show." She nods.

I sit back down, and work on my painting. I freeze.

"Uh, Tasha? Do you see this?" I say, pointing to where my brush was.

It's a wand, with a pale cream rod, blue detailing, and a dark, almost raspberry colored crystal.

"I'll call the guys. Don't touch it." She grabs her phone and leaves the room.

Looking at the crystal, I remember something.

I've seen this before. This was my mothers.

I gently touch the crystal, and flinch back when it shocks me. It turned back into my brush.


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