Best trick yet

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After everyone else has finished eating, or fallen asleep drunk, Loki tells me that Frigga is ready. I ask for what, but my question goes unanswered. As Loki leads me down a tile path, I look at him, and realize he doesn't look like the picture the others had of him. His hair is tamer, and seems cleaner. His cape looks greener.

Man, capes are cool.

"They actually help keeping warmth in." Loki says.

No, I meant I like capes. I think they're interesting.

Loki nods, and we get to a room with a small table. I see Frigga, and she beckons me over with a graceful wave of her hand.

I'm halfway across the room when I see she has an old photograph of my parents.

"Come, sit, we have much to discuss." She says, smiling at me.

I sit next to her, and look at the photo.

"Your mother was very brave, and loved her husband very much." She starts, then stops when I chuckle.

"I know, she was always doting on my father."

Frigga sadly smiles, and shakes her head.

"He was your mothers lover, but he was not your father." She pauses, then slowly continues. "Before you were born, Laufey, a frost giant, took and planned to kill your mother's husband as an act of war." She pauses again." Your mother was willing to trade something of equal value for her lover back."

She stops, and I realize what she means. Laufey. That name sounds familiar.

Where have I heard that before?

"He is also my father." Loki says from the door. He has a haunted look on his face. "Come, I will show to your room. It is late."

I say goodbye to Frigga, and am about to walk out the door when guards walk by, and I realize something.

The guys said you escaped from the prison here. There's no way you would be welcome. This, this isn't real.

I turn around to run, and see Frigga is gone.  I slowly turn around in the now decrepit room and face Loki, who is now towering over me.

"Nice trick, you almost got me."

Loki's sisterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن