The feast

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Everyone stands still as it really hits me.

I can hear their thoughts. They didn't deny it. I was kidnapped, but I don't feel like it. I mean, who would kidnap me, and then pamper me? I'm not chained or anything, I never was. Then I realize what she said.

"What do you mean, not exactly?" I say, barely a whisper.

Frigga sighs, and then smiles when a bell rings.

"Come, the feast has been prepared." She says and links arms with me. Loki walks in front of us, leading the way.

A feast? Why? This isn't going to be some sacrificial thing, is it?

Loki chuckles and walks next to me.

"No, no sacrifices will be made tonight." He says with a sinister grin.

"The feast is to welcome you, my dear." Frigga pats my arm. "We will speak of why after, for now, please enjoy."

I sit down at the edge of the table, and people instantly swarm me.

"Is it really you, Fenna?"


"She's a lot prettier than I thought she would be. Must take after her mother."

"What do-"

"And just look at her hair!"


"Does she fight well?"

"I'm right-"

"She doesn't need to fight well. No one would dare challenge her!"

"But I-"

"What's your best spell? Can you show us?"

"I don't-"

I feel my heart start to race, and I start shaking. I try to breathe slowly, but that only makes things worse.

This is too much. To many people. I need to get out. I need-

Suddenly everyone stops talking, and slowly go back to their seats. I feel a hand on my shoulder, and I stop shaking.

"It's alright. You're safe." The voice behind me softly says. I look up, and it's Loki.

"Um, thanks, I guess." I say, and look down at my plate. I only grabbed bread, but I don't even have an appetite for that anymore. "Sorry, I-"

Loki shushes me.

Why were they crowding me, and asking me questions like I know them?

Loki's sisterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن