Remembering tricks

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I hold one of my crystals in my hands. I've been remembering a lot of weird things lately.

"And all about my childhood." I mumble, and Natasha looks over.

"What was that, Fenna?" She tilts her head to the side.

"Oh, nothing, just that I've been having a lot of weird dreams lately, like last night I dreamt that you and some old lady came to my house," I look over at her. "But you were like, maybe seventeen- and the old lady you were with gave me a wand, the wand we saw the other day. Weird, right?" I laugh off as I look at her. He mask falls for a second, and I know the truth.

"It wasn't a dream, it was a memory!" I say as I bolt from my seat and stride towards her. "Why didn't you tell me?!" I shout, and she stares at me.

"Fenna, I don't know what you're talking about." She slowly says.

"Liar! You were there! You were in my house!" I screech as Thor and Dr. Banner run into the room.

"What's going on? Fenna!" Dr. Banner shouts, and I barely glance at him.

"You knew... You knew that I had forgotten, you were praying on it!" I scoff at her. "What else am I going to remember? Huh?!" I slam my fist on the desk and it-

It burst into flames. My hand was on fire, but, it didn't hurt. It felt... good.

"Contain her. Now." Was the last thing I heard from Dr. Banner before everything went black.

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