He separated himself from me and went to the door, pushing it closed with his small body. Once it clicked shut, he transformed back to his human form.

"Is it safe to transform here? Dad used to be a demon hunter...or maybe he still is?" I should ask him later, now that I think about it...

"Yeah it's safe." He he let himself fall next to me. "It's just....to answer your question verbally...will be difficult."

I tilted my head to the side. "How will it difficult?"

"Let me show you."

All of a sudden, his hand was engulfed in flames. I stared in awe. Something about his flames always sent me into some sort of trance. The heat they produced made me feel at peace. They were comforting to me, gentle when made contact with. At least for me.

He extended his hand forward and did a circular motion, what captivated me was that he made this sort of flame bubble...but what had me frowning in confusion was that he reached into it, his arm disappearing into the flame bubble.

"What are you doing...?"

He pulled away, his arm intact.

The flame bubble vanished.

"What the heck was that?" I waved a hand where the flame bubble once was, to see if it had turned invisible or something, but there was nothing. What. I stood up and flapped my hands around. I must look utterly ridiculous. There's no invisible flame bubble...

"You're missing the point of this, Nagi." Karma said. When I looked back at him, he had an item in his hand, it was wrapped in a golden cloth.

Hold on....Did he retrieve that item from the flame bubble? I think I'm starting to understand what it was. "You made a portal with your flames, and it's in a shape of a flame bubble."

"I guess you could call it that..." The redhead muttered, handing me the item. "It's a portal...or flame bubble...that leads to my lair. Unfortunately, it doesn't lead anywhere else aside from my lair. So to answer your question, I get my clothes through the portal. And any other personal items like the one you're holding right now."

The object in my hands felt familiar, too familiar. I've held something like this before. Glancing at Karma, he nodded his head, giving me the okay sign to unwrap it. When I did, my eyes widened in wonder and awe. The golden cloth was now removed, and the once wrapped item took my breath away.

It was a blade, and not just any blade, it was a dagger. The entire thing was made of silver. It was as light as a feather, and when I held it with just one finger, it was perfectly balanced. I've never held a real dagger before, and for some reason, my heart thrashed with excitement.

The handle had ridges forming a swirly design, and in the center of the handle, a gem that glowed an ocean blue. The blade itself was what caught my eye, there were more of the blue gems but smaller, that reached down to the center of the blade. The rest of it was plain, but in the center it had the words of an unknown language engraved into it.

My fingertips traced over the letters. "What does this mean?"

He took ahold of the dagger, my hands unconsciously reaching forward once it was out of my reach. He didn't notice.

"Errabundus..." He mumbled, twirling the blade between his fingers. "That's the Latin word for 'wandering'."

My mouth formed an 'o', signifying my understanding to his words. My fingers itched to hold it again, something about it made me feel...safe.

"So..." I began, my eyes locked on the dagger. "Why did you want to show me the blade? I mean, you could've grabbed another piece of clothing, but you grabbed that dagger... Why?"

Your Soul: Where Light Goes, Darkness FollowsWhere stories live. Discover now