m- im confused

b- I said im the worse

m- oh I get what youre saying. youre asking me out on a date?

b- well yeah...so

m- Id go on a date with you

b- oh thats good. what time would you get here tomorrow

m- um 6

b- hows 7 for a date?

m- thats perfect

b- omg really

m- really what lol

b- youre going to go on a date with me

m- yeah thats what I just said

b- omg yay im going on a date with a pretty girl who actually has a personality

m- lol well class is starting ill text you later

b- text ya later... im excited

m- me too :)

I put my phone down and class starts

he teaches something and then gives worksheets we have to do

I finish my worksheet and unfortunately everyone else does as well.

"so why are you so happy" Christina says rudely to me

"cause im leaving"

"no ones going to like you there" Tate adds

"I already have friends there"

"oh really who"

"these 5 guys"

"I bet you like one of them that doesnt like you" Christina says

"actually one of them asked me out on a date already"

"hes probably fake. whats his name"



"16" (hes really 18 but just go along with it. everyone in here is 16 if I said a different age before im sorry)

"eye color"


"hair color"





"I guess I dont know"

"does he have a girlfriend"


"how tall"

"I dont know I didnt measure him but hes taller than me"

"is he real"

"yes you can even text him if you wanted"

"ill text him"

I roll my eyes and and open my messages with him

m(well Christina but whatever)- hey are you a real person

b- you literally met me yes im real. thats such a weird question

"okay I believe you" she says handing me my phone

m- sorry that girl I was talking about yesterday didnt believe you were real so I told her to text you

b- oh I was going to say

m- well bye again

b- I already miss you

m- we just met lol but I miss you too

I put my phone down smiling and everyone is staring at me 

"what now"

"youre smiling its weird" Tate says 

"maybe because I dont know im happy"

"you dont have to be so rude"

"its really funny how youre the one whos telling me not to be rude when you've never said anything nice to me ever but okay continue calling me the rude one"

"theres nothing nice to say to you"

"whatever" I say rolling my eyes

class finally ends and I go to math 

I sit down but remember that soon enough Corbyns going to walk in 

just as I think this he walks in

"hey" he says sitting down

I dont respond and continues trying to talk to me 

"what do you want" I say after the probably 10th time hes called for me

"how are you'

"stop acting like you want to talk to me"

"dont be like this"

"just stop talking to me oh my god. whats so hard about that. when we're alone you want to talk to me but when anyone else can see you dont. it Really messes with me too so please decide if you want to talk to me in front of no one or everyone"

he doesnt respond back and I take that as my answer

"thank you. now I know what type of person you really are"

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