40. - "We're leaving"

Start from the beginning

The man ran back to the basement, where he found his companions ready as planned.

Sehun and Kai had just been adjusting their gear. They brought you and Jimin bulletproof vests and weapons as planned. Namjoon was slightly concerned about the possibility of Jimin shooting him, but trusted you.

"We only found 4 vests", Kai stated.
"I could give you mine if-"

"It's fine, just get ready", Namjoon hurried.

You and Jimin exchanged nervous looks. If anything, the guards would shoot at you and Jimim because they thought Namjoon, Sehun and Kai were allies.
You were scared.

Jimin brushed his hand against yours and gave you an assuring smile.

"Is Hongbin really dead?", you asked.

"Yes", Namjoon confirmed.
"I killed him."

Jimin raised an eyebrow, somehow in dibelief. It had been just as awkward to Namjoon that it went that easily.

"Let's move", Namjoon rushed and loaded his gun.

They led you out of the basement carefully. It was around 3 in the morning, so not much was going on.
You saw a few guards here and there but went out of their way.

Jimin took your hand and gripped it firmly. He shortly raised your hand to his lips and kissed it sweetly.

"We'll get out of this, okay?"

You nodded and smiled at him, his perfect face beaming at you. He was happy to be able to hold you again.
You only had to get through this.

As you proceeded to the main hall, you began feeling watched. Turning around several times, you didn't see anyone. Jimin was feeling similar and kept glancing to the back.

You could sense the presence of someone in the hall.

"Everyone stop", Namjoon ordered.

In an instant, Jimin got in front of you and took a protective stance.

A dark voice from the shadows made you flich.
"Leaving so early? But we haven't had a chat yet."

Your stomach twisted as the light went on, exposing your whole group to the guards and a very much alive Hongbin standing in front of you.

Jimin looked at Namjoon seriously while the man could only stare in disbelief.

"What? Are you surprised how I'm alive?", the man laughed.
"I thought I taught you better than to just kill someone without making sure that it was the right person."

"You set it up", Namjoon stated breathlessly.
"How did you know?"

"I know everything", Hongbin bitterly smiled.
"You're easy to read Namjoon."

You saw the leader bite his lip.
"Sorry guys", he apologized to all of you.
"I wasn't careful enough."

You gulped.

"I guess we have to no choice now but to...", Namjoon started pulling out his gun.
"Fight back and kill the bastard ourselves."

He shot towards Hongbin. It was a good shot and it would have hit if one of the men hadn't thrown themselves in front of the bastard.

That was when all hell broke loose.
Jimin pushed you and himself to the side. He threw over a table and used it as cover.
"Stay here", he told you and ran off to help the others while gun shots were already being fired.

You felt furious that he left you behind as if you were weak, but you would obey him this time.

Jimin ran to help Namjoon.
He didn't know why.
He just felt as if he needed to help.

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