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Jisung snarled visibly.

"The fuck do you want, Jeon?" Jisung snapped, agitated because he was interrupted when he was about to "beat" Noah's ass.

"What I want to know is, why do you have your filthy hands on my cousin?" Jungkook spits, his fist clenched, turning his knuckles white.

"This piece of shit is your cousin?" Jisung scrunched up his face in confusion.

"No, I didn't say you were cousin, I said Noah was my cousin." Jungkook says back, just as Noah switched his and Jisung's position, twisting Jisung's arm behind his back.

"Now tell me, why did you have my cousin's collar in your dirty ass hands?" Jungkook asked again, getting ready kill this stupid son of a bitch.

"Easy, he's gay." Jisung spat with a look of disgust on his face.

"And, that's all?" Jungkook asked.

"Yeah, stupid fucking faggot." Jisung muttered, but Jungkook heard it and his head snapped up towards him.

"Get. Out" Jungkook barked, pissed at this stupid fucking homophobe.

"What?" Jisung asked, really confused.

"Get. the hell. Out!" Jungkook hissed, stomping his foot and pointing to his right. Jisung muttered incoherent words under his breath and left the park. Jungkook turned towards Noah.

"So, who exactly are you gay for?" Jungkook asked, calming down, a cheeky smile now present on his face.

"Park Jimin" Noah responds, acting as if he saw an angel, his tone laced with admiration.

He was so caught in his fantasies that he didn't notice Jungkook's smile fall and turn into a scowl. Filled with rage, Jungkook stomped away from his stupid cousin.

"Jimin!" Taehyung shouted.

"It's been 16 days since you last ate, you're gonna eat this damn spaghetti whether you like it or not." Taehyung ordered.

He stood at Jimin's door way, watching him connect red strings on his wall. "Jimin, why do even have this on your wall?" Taehyung questioned.

"It's simple really—" Jimin started, connecting more strings and highlighting certain words.

"—It's all the possibilities of who could've stolen my diary"

"Jimin!" Taehyung yelled, causing Jimin to jolt forward, awakening him from his sleep.

"What happened?" Jimin asked in a daze.

"Well at first, I was talking to you about how you haven't eaten in 16 whole days, so I brought you this spaghetti, but then I realized you were asleep, so I yelled your name to try and wake you up." Taehyung answered, sitting the plate of food on the table and walking out of the room.

Wow, I became that crazy over a diary, in my dream? Jimin thought.

I have to find that book!


If you didn't get the part with Jimin and Taehyung, at the beginning the regular font was what taehyung was saying in real life, and the words in italics was Jimin's dream. And although Jimin has a new diary, he still wants his original one back. He's also been so caught up in writing that he hadn't been eating.

Sorry if you still don't get it😬

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