Let Me Help You

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There was no reason to live.


My father can't handle the fact that I am queer.

My mother killed herslef, because she was Turned, and she probably would've killed me too if she got the chance.

And Simon Snow, the love of my life, hates me.

He's destined to kill me, and I don't think he'll mind.

I'm walking up the stairs to my room, and I feel dead.

Well, I guess I am already dead.

But I feel emotionally dead.

I get to my room, open the door, walk past sleeping Snow, and go to the window. I sit on the edge feel the slight breeze on my face.

I'm quiet enough that I don't wake him up. I have enough on my mind now.

I don't need to be thinking of his eyes, his curls, or his moles.

I look at the freshly fallen snow.

I can just jump.

Right now.

It would be so easy.

All the pain would go away.

It would be so easy-

"Baz?" Snow says, interrupting my thoughts, I turn around and see him sitting up in his bed facing me.

With no shirt on.

Crowley Snow.

"What?" I hiss looking back out the window. It would be so easy. "W-What are you doing?" He asks.

"None of your businesses, Snow," I snap, why can't he just let me die?

"What are you doing Baz," he says again, but this time, it's a demand, not a question.

I turn to look at him again, and now he's standing up, and he looks worried.

I wonder why.

Probably becuase he might get blamed for my death.

My eyes start to fog over, I'm going to jump.

"I love you Simon," I say, and I jump.

And I die.

* * *

Expect I don't.

"Put your hands up and freeze!" Casts Snow.

Dammint Snow.

My arms are up and I'm frozen in the air. I slowly spin in circles, and that's enough to piss me off.

"What the hell Snow!" I glare at him, "I'm - you - I couldn't," he sighs, "I couldn't just let you die Baz," he whispers.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. "Yes you could have-" I begin but Snow interrupts, "No! I couldn't! I could never Baz!" He sobs.

"Why?!" I yell at him, "Why Snow!?" Why does he suddenly care, and why is he crying?

"Because I love you too, you twit!" He screams, "Dammint Baz! I love you too!"

He loves me?

He loves me.

I float/spin all the way up to him and he pulls me through the window and pulls my into a kiss.

Crowley I'm kissing Simon fucking Snow.

Simon fucking Snow.

I will die kissing Simon Snow.

But not today.

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