I don't know you.

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A/N: This is a AU where phones are allowed in Watford.


Simon is no where to be seen. He's not in our room as usual, becuase we got in a fight again.

He's probably off complaining to his sidekick.

My phone goes of and I unlock it see a notification from Snapchat.

Enocscake: unknown

Enocscake: hi

Baztone: Hello?
Baztone: do I know you?

Enocscake: idk
Enocscake: but u seem cute

Baztone: What do you mean by 'I don't know'
Baztone: And, thank you?

Enocscake: i mean, maybe i know u and maybe i dont
Sconecake: and ur weclome

Baztone: Huh.

Enocscake: okay. i know u and u know me. and i like u.

Baztone: Ugh. Are you Agatha?
Baztone: Becuase, like I told you, I'm gay.

Enocscake: yOU tOlD aGaTha uR gAy anD nOt mE?¿¿

Baztone: So this is not Agatha.

Enocscake: no
Enocscake: im not a girl
Enocscake: and now that i know ur gay this makes things easier

Baztone: Huh.
Baztone: So, you go to Watford?

Enocscake: no.
Enocscake: i go to a mars boarding school.
Enocscake: yes i do u bloody idiot.

Baztone: Who are you?

Enocscake: im not telling u
Enocscake: that would just make things more complicated

Baztone: What?

Enocscake: nvm
Enocscake: tell me about u

Baztone: Why? If you know me then you'd know stuff about me.
Baztone: Right?

Enocscake: nope

Baztone: What do you want to know?

Enocscake: anything

Baztone: Ask me questions then.

Enocscake: whats ur worst fear

Baztone: Can I pick questions I want to answer and avoid the other ones?

Enocscake: nope

Baztone: It would be, that  someone speacil to me, dies.

Enocscake: who

Baztone: I can't tell you.

Enocscake: why

Baztone: Becuase you might tell him.

Enocscake: him???
Enocscake: do i know of this bastard????

Baztone: Shit, did I say him?
Baztone: And why is he suddenly a bastard?

Enocscake: yes. yes u did.
Eoncscake: and because u might like him and i want u to like me

Baztone: Ugh.
Baztone: Can we just forget I said that?

Eoncscake: no
Eoncscake: who is he

Baztone: Someone

Enocscake: wtf baz!
Enocscake: fine, do i know him

Baztone: It's likely.

Enocscake: *sigh*
Enocscake: would it bother u if i asked for a picture of u?

Baztone: I don't know.
Baztone: I guess you'll have to find out.

Enocscake: can u send me a picture of u?

Baztone: I can, but will I?

Enocscake: will u?

Baztone: Will I what?

Encoscake: wIlL u sEnD mE a PicTurE oF yOurSelF tO mE bAz?

Baztone: Yes, yes I will.

Enocscake: what even baz

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Enocscake: what even baz

Baztone: You didn't say what type of picture.
Baztone: And no more requests.

Encoscake: why are u so willing to do what i ask?

The door swings open and Simon has his phone in hand. I get up to stand in front of him and he doesn't met my eyes.

"It's becuase I know who you are" I say before I kiss him. It's beautiful, and I'm pissed that I waited so long.

"What?" He says breathless has he pulls away. "I know who you are. Enocs is just scones spelled backwards."

He laughs and leans in again.

The whole world bends to my touch.

Because Simon is the world.


A/N: awwWwwWw

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