e p i l o u g e

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" I never thought I could love 2 girls with every piece of my heart so much at the same time." Finn Wolfhard stated, leaning over the baby crib to graze his ringed hand lovingly against Lilac's face.
Lilac, like the colour of our fated palms, Wolfhard.

"She's too precious." I, Millie Bobby Wolfhard, stayed with just as much love and tenderness.

The weekend of which my 18th birthday fell on,

I just watch how peaceful she looks fast asleep, Finn never taking his eyes off her, scared she'd break, far too infatuated with her to notice the ring of the doorbell. So instead, I went to greet our expected guests.

"Oh if it isn't Sadie Sink!" I screamed in delight at the plain palms I saw in front of me, a glistening, golden, circular band housed on her ring finger, "Oh no, I'm wrong! Mrs McLaughlin!" I jumped in delight.
"Mrs Wolfhard." She addressed in a false posh accent, dressed in her Christmas jumper.

"What brings you to my humble abode?" I played along, my British accent, which soon faded into a rich Canadian one, flourished like it did back in high school.
"I came to see my little goddaughter." She eagerly announced.

"Honey, who is it?" Finn walked up to the door, little baby Lilac in his arms, "I don't believe it! If it isn't Sadie Sink- no, let me correct myself- Sadie McLaughlin!"
"Mr Wolfhard! What a fine family you have here." A smile, bright and joker-wide.
"Why, of course. Would you like to meet your little goddaughter?" He asked.
"Of course. Caleb would too. He's trying to find a place to park, it's really hard especially with all the snow."


Soon, the entire house was filled with all of us. All 12 of us. Me, Finn, Sadie, Caleb, Noah, Romeo, Wyatt, Sophia, Jack, Grace, Gaten with his 5 year-long girlfriend Lizzy Yu with her hot pink palms which I'm sad will eventually split with him. But this time we had an additional 4 party members.

Lilac, me and Finn's most prised possession; Juliet and Will, Noah and Romeo were legally allowed to adopt 3 years ago landing them with two beautiful children; Beverly, taking after her mother's stunning red hair and her dad's noodle ringlets.

It's funny to think of how far we've come. From ignorant teenagers, to fully functioning adults.


"Mum, do you ever think I'd ever be able to read palms?" Lilac questioned as she grazed her left palm with her fingertips. "Do you think I'm a bouncer?" She sounded fearful.

"I hope you will." I stated firmly, softly clasping her lilac palms in mine. Just like her mother and father, she too took their retired colour. "And honey, they're called loveables- because they have so much loving potential. I know for a fact you most certainly are not."

"Mills, you ready to go?" Finn questioned, walking into the pastel-pink painted room.
"Yeah sweetie, just finishing up story time." I smiled up at him a knowing look plastered on his face.
"What was tonight's story?" He inquired at Lilac, enthusiasm much too evident.


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Omg it's over. Completed. Finished.

I loved writing this and the ending is hella cliché but I thought it was cute.

Thank you all sooo muchhh

Love you all
Past the moon
And back

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