r e m i n i s c i n g

567 41 11

Palms || Fillie

"NOAH SCHNAPPLE!" I screeched and jumped on him, instantly startling him.

We had recently been in touch however we'd never physically personally met due to the continental distance. He still lives in London, but we moved and our communication was extremely limited mainly because we were both 5 or 6. His palms were out of eyeshot in every FaceTime call, so his army green palm lines were never visible and mainly never crossed my mind.

"MILLSTER!" He mimed, placing his soft hand against my lower back to stabilise ourselves.
He looks taller in person, but still has his familiar soft voice I would recognise from anywhere. He was dressed casually in a p!atd band-tee, with a plaid flannel tied around his waist, black distressed skinny jeans and a pair of timberlands.

He grew so much from the little Noah who'd snitch on me every time I teased him for being so small, the same Noah who'd burst into tears while watching a any form of a chick flick. He'd always use the same excuse, 'There was something in my eye!', but nobody would ever believe him because he'd cry himself a river each time.

Now he's grown taller than me, the top of my head only lining up with his eyebrows. Now, instead of crying over every chick flick, he'd be in them. Noah discovered his talent over acting a little over a year after we left, and he's been perusing his passion ever since. Staring in small adverts to begin with- the occasional music video, and ending up here, on his way to Hollywood to film for a blockbuster.

He grew up. And so did I. After several minutes of us both being held in our tight embrace, I jumped down from my previous position but we were still in an embrace.

"Hey, Noah?" I asked into his chest, by now his parents have already settled in and now they are sure to be enjoying a nice bottle of Prosecco.
"Yeah, Millster?" He replied, relaxing his head atop of mine while we shuffled to the couch.
"Not that I have anything against it, I'm just wondering why exactly you came here- When your supposed to be in LA." I inquired, adjusting our position so we could rest on the couch.
"Well, I'm free for the whole week... and because Indiana is on the way, I had to convince mum and dad to let us visit!" He informed.
I just smiled and set up the TV so we could watch his latest movie: Abe.


The whole night consisted of us catching up- not catching a single wink of sleep. For our reunion mattered more than a few hours of repeated rest.

Even when Jack got home, a little before 6, we continued like he still hadn't arrived. It was just us two best friends hanging out like the foggy old times.

So here the two of us lay; on my bed, eyes looking at my plain white ceiling, while indulging in some random conversation.

Noah was like that thing I never knew I had, but when you know- you can't really go back.
The two of us could have a conversation about elbows and we'd find some way to make it interesting.

So far I've learned he's got a girlfriend- Jenifer Hayes.
He claimed it was a publicity stunt and he'd "rather date a guy than end up with the bitch."
Also, he told me about how he moved from London to Los Angeles; his settling process and all.
He told me about all the pressure fame is and how depressing this new life is.
He's also sparked a new interest into photography- something I'd never imagine he'd go into.

But in return, I had to indulge him on everything I possibly could remember from the last time we talked- which was around 5 days ago. But nevertheless I told him, except for the part about meeting our soulmates.

It's funny how you could be so far away from a person for almost your whole life, but suddenly come into contact with them again and it feels like no one ever left.

We were like the best of friends again; just like the 5 and 6 year olds who always enjoyed playing in the garden on summery days.
The two kids who'd skip to primary school everyday with their parents watching close behind.
The same two kids who'd sit atop of the same oak tree admiring the awful view of the apartments- only really there to admire the sunset on the winter days and how it would glisten against the snow.

Those 2 children never left.

Today really cleared up my mind  I don't care about how dangerous it could be- he needs to be happy.

I need to get him and Romeo to meet before he leaves.

~ 🌺 ~
Noah's back!!

On a sad note, I've been dealing with some writers block lately.

I'd rather wait till I'm capable of writing a good chapter than come back with a shitty one.

Hope you understand...

But for now, enjoy!

~ 🌺 ~

𝐩𝐚𝐥𝗺𝐬 • fillieWhere stories live. Discover now