p e r f e c t

546 38 31

Palms || Fillie

He can see it too.
He can fucking see it too.
Through the whole 30 second confrontation, I had no idea the results'd end up the way they did.
The only thing that my mind would allow me to say was:

"Well, shit."

"Oh." He seemed just as flabbergasted.
We kept firm eye contact, yet we both seemed so overwhelmed with joy. I lowered my interfering sunglasses, squinting as my eyes adjusted to the vibrant lights which shone from all directions.

Our eyes both took a longing glance at our equally lilac palms. His hands slowly intertwined with mine and sparks flew. They completely erupted from all over, leaving me a burnt mess.

But knowing Finn, he'd never let me burn. That's the thing about soulmates; they'll try to keep you as spark-filled as possible.

"Woah." We managed out at the same time, staring into each other's chocolate brown eyes with such wonder and bliss.
"So..." I ease the reading thoughts that cloud my mind, taking another look at the lilac.
"I can see them too. I can see the fucking lights too. Oh my fucking god my soulmate can see the lights too!" He exclaimed in a whisper, taking into account how we were surrounded by a whole cafeteria full of people, yet so much excitement and relief seemed to flood through his voice.
I could only smile with a sense of genuine happiness and a violent display of nods.

He's like me.
Who would've thought?
Finn Wolfhard, my soulmate, is a sees love just as clearly as I do!

After all these years of yearning- yearning for some form of comfort. I needed comfort from the hectic life this 'gift' gave, and now I couldn't be happier.

My future soul-bonded partner not only is the absolute perfect person for me, he has the one thing I absolutely loathed about myself, yet he makes it all seem no natural I couldn't possibly live without it.

How I hated having and unwillingly owning such a burden. Now Finn's arrival really puts everything into perspective. The sight is what bonded us.

We're two imperfectly awkward people, perfect for each other.
And I couldn't be happier.

And after all the years of knowing, all the years of wishing- hoping I'd finally meet the one- my one, I finally met him and the unexpectedly

Do you think Wyatt is like us too?

"Mills?" He asked so delicately in a way he thought he'd break me if he spoke in another way.
"Yeah?" I look up to him, making us both eye level.
"I'm so lucky. Out of all people, I'm glad it was you." He admits, hands shaking with anxiety.
"Hey, hey, hey. I'm glad it was you too- out of all the 7.6 billion people in this world alone I'm glad I found you." I smile, grasping onto his hand, applying a slight squeeze to sooth his anxious state.

He released a long shaky breath and continued until his breathing was completely stabilised; I was there every step of the way, rubbing slow circles around each one of his knuckles and occasionally squeezing his perfectly-fitted-to-mine palm.

I'd hope the rest of our lives could be just like today.
A day where we could revel in our own foreseen love;
A day the two- three of us could own up to such a true love without the conversation growing awkward or it becoming stale, for soulmates should never harm each other.
A day where all days seem like we're just reliving days just like today- where we seem to realise how truly close and perfect we all seem for each other.

• 🌺 •

As I drifted to sleep, the only thoughts that lingered in my mind were;

I've met him.
I've met my soulmate.
And I couldn't ask for anyone better.
He's all I need.

After all the years of constant bullying, all the years it completely tore me apart. All the 'hallucinator' comments, all the 'go die bitch' and everything in between.

It doesn't matter anymore.
It helped me.
It is me.
I'm my hallucinations.
I am a hallucinator.

And I couldn't be prouder, for such a rare gift allowed me the ability to see the one person- people I'm truly meant for, the same people I can truly relate to in ways I'd never think possible.

• 🌺 •

Lunch drew closer yet the advanced algebra questions seem to yank it all the way back. Today I'd promised to meet up with Wyatt for lunch, seeming as I owed it to him to truly bond and connect with him like I do with Finn.

Me and Sadie shared the same class. She understood it all, yet it frustrated the crap out of me. Speaking of Sadie, her and Caleb's bond is growing stronger, the progress is made highly visible due to her outrageously vibrant maroon palms.

They'd come highly visible to my eye whenever she'd try her best to explain the theory, during her array of frustrated hand gestures. I'm horrible at algebra and maths in general, ask Sadie and she'd happily backup my statement.

And that was the bell signalling the end of class and the start of our lunch, or my one-on-one time with a particular curly headed boy. I swiftly packed up all my belongings, said a quick goodbye to Sadie and told her I'd call her later, and I sprinted for the library.

And there he was. Looking through the glass door, I spotted the noodle-headed soulmate at my booth, a book in hand and his eyes studying the printed ink on his page. I adjusted my sunglasses, tightened my grip on my backpack and made my way inside.

"Hey, Wy."

His eyes drew away from his book in instant realisation of my presence.

"Hey, Bobby. Take a seat." He smiled, flashing an array of white pearls.

• 🌺 •

And that's how the next few days mapped out.

Me and Wyatt growing closer each lunch at our special booth discussing our interpretations on whatever book we were currently reading and fitting other shit filled conversations while we were on the topic;

me and Finn immersing in our shared troubles and annoyances with the lights, expressing our uttermost devotions to each other, occasionally listening to his new band play original songs and falling deeper into each other's galaxy-filled eyes;

and Sadie, Noah and me growing closer each after school home invasions, mainly coming round mine because avoiding Iris was key and Noah and I were currently inhabiting the same home.

My life was perfect.
I had the two perfect friends;
And two perfect soulmates.

What more could I ask for?

If only I would have known how quickly it would've all changed.

~ 🌺 ~

Thank you all for 1k reads!!

I thought this book was shit and it was going absolutely nowhere but all the comments and positivity just-
I just want to say;


~ 🌺 ~

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