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Palms || Fillie
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2 weeks.
It's already been 2 weeks.
Two extravagantly spent weeks.

And that also meant that we'd have to say goodbye to Noah. My long lost best friend and distant cousin, but now we're basically brother and sister.

Me, Jack and Noah all hurried around the house trying to get ready to drop him off at the airport where all our close friends would meet us to send him off, including Finn.

Finally finishing our rampage, getting decently ready in the process, we entered the black Range Rover his parents rented for us to drive up to the airport with. All our parents were sat in the second car, ready and agitated of our delay.
It was 4:30 in the morning.
What were they expecting?

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Being fully escorted out of the car by a suited man, we made our way into the airport where Finn, Sadie, Caleb, Wyatt and most importantly, Romeo were waiting for us.

Crowds of steaming fans began to surround us- Noah's fans. Some held posters, fully decorated- some even having his face printed on their clothes, their arms flailing around in glee.

Noah smiled at all of them, waving and holding, high-fiving, practically any form of contact with as many of their hands as he could. Even though you could tell his exhaustion levels were through the roof, he still tried to engage with each and every one of his fans.

Isn't he the most beautiful person?

I aspire to be like him one day.
Not to be adored, but to adore and be passionate about whatever craft I choose to take up.

Not only is Noah pursuing his dreams, he's being highly recognised for it too.

There they stood.
All 5 beautifully sad yet warm faces.
"Noahhhh!!!" They all screamed in unison, sadness in leaving and joy in reuniting laced in their tones.

Even if all the lights were off, the love and Cheshire Cat grin glued upon my face could be seen. And I'm perfectly fine with that.

Suddenly, Noah began crying. His sobs soon became heavier and uglier. Tear after tear. All we could do was embrace him.

"I- I'm gonna miss you all so f-fucking much!" He stuttered, attempting to regulate his breathing which overtook each word.
And Noah never curses. That's how you knew he was serious.
And sobs of agreement soon followed by the other 7 of us, but mainly Romeo, who held him tighter.

So there we stood, in the middle of the airport main entrance, in a tight 8 person group hug, crying our eyes out. Our parents probably standing behind us, looking at all of us with such love and care.

But I didn't care. I only cared about these 7 people who made my 2 weeks so memorable. Even though, with Noah's departure, will not only sadden all of us, but definitely bring us closer together

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My aunt and uncle, along with his designated suited protector were already making their way to the open gate.

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