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~🌺~Palms || Fillie ~🌺~

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Palms || Fillie

Opening my locker, I shield my eyes from the hectic traffic caused by bustling students. Grabbing necessary books for the next few lessons, I pull out my overused sunglasses which became another item that became extremely needed in my day-to-day life.

You see, these exact glasses that are currently perched upon the bridge of my nose, we're given to me as a 'I'll miss you and I'll always love you' gift from my dad before me and mum left with David.

Not only were they the last reminder to my dad, it coincidentally blocked any harsh rays from peoples palms. Especially walking through crowded halls with a thousand pair of hands radiant glow shining in your eyes. I adopted these particular pair of ray bans after an incident where I nearly became blind due to the enormous amount of hands glowing.

Now, opticians advise me to wear them after they've noticed the strain in my sight and no matter how many glasses I'm prescribed, only sunglasses seem to do the trick. So now, despite the dress code; referring to the accessory rule, I'm the only one in exception.

Heading to room 315, I arrive at my first class, Reading. This was one of the few classes that I shared with Jack, and for this, I was happy.

Pushing the old pair of sunglasses higher up the bridge of my nose, I take a seat nearer to the open window that faced the field and open grass beyond the quad. Grasping tightly at my pile of books and binders, I settle myself down at my chosen seat located in the middle-left of the class.

Before I know it, the once baron classroom filled with my fellow peers.
Grace, and her best friend Lilia; who is currently dating Grace's soulmate- Jack, were the first to enter after my arrival. Followed by, Maddie and her soulmate, her rival- Jack.
The rest piling up with more vibrant colours, none matching.

I awaited patiently for Mrs Wheeler, our teacher. This happens to be one of my stronger subjects in comparison to my other A- averages, however this class being an easy A+. Knowing Mrs Wheeler as a unpunctual teacher, I decided to continue reading my 'new' book.

There he is, Finn. My soulmate- but one of two. Basking in all his glory, I lower my sunglasses to admire the matching lilac glowing from his palms.

He walked in with Jack, he must be his tour guide. I hope the two of them get along. It'd be a shame if they didn't.

He took a seat beside Jack and his jerky jock friends, towards the back, who adopted the entire back row. Not that I have a problem with Jack individually, it's his pesticides for friends that piss me off. But now it seems that Finn is on his way to become another pesticide.

Upon our tardy teachers late arrival, she began the lesson with the register and told us to talk among ourselves whilst she handed out the book for this particular unit.

Being the loner and unsociable person I am, I continue reading. However, every time I scan the new upcoming word, I can't help but let my mind drift to Wyatt.

That was the first time I've taken any notice of two soulmates for one person. I thought there was only one person for each lover. But, here I stand- sit corrected.

Glancing back at Finn, I smile and wave gently. He kindly returned the gesture. However Jack's heated glare has me turning to face him instantly. He's the protective brother figure I couldn't have met without mum and David meeting.

I love the boy to bits but he needs to chill his stare. In response to his frustration, I simply steady my death glare until we end up having a full on staring contest. I try my best to make him blink by mouthing 'blink' repeatedly. Only making him roll his eyes and close his eyes so quickly you could've missed it if you were blinking; which he was.

He rolls his eyes in defeat, whilst I celebrated by sticking my tongue out boastingly.

Little did I know that a certain someone was watching that entire interaction disappointingly.

Mrs Wheeler, being the irrelevant person she is, clears her throat noticeably, moving my concentration from Jack to her.

"Ehum!" She voiced.
"Morning class." She greeted, my peers erupting in simple 'hello's, 'morning's and the occasional 'get me out of this shit hole!'.
"Welcome back from break, hopefully you'll be good to me. I'm Mrs Wheeler. I've had some of you last year but others are complete strangers to me," she introduced and began.
"On that note, I'd like us to begin this lesson by introducing our names and a fact you think the class should know," she instructed, causing an eruption of sighs and groans from the whole room whilst I stayed silent and observant.

The rest was a blur. I paid no attention to the previous statements and names of my other classmates, not even making a mental note of names for faces. All I could do was wait until it was Finns turn to speak, hoping that his face could lead me to a path of common interest.

"Uhh... My names Finn and... um.. I.. uh... I'm in a band?" He stated adorably.

Sorry.. it's been a while... But I finally updated!!

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