{ twenty }

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when seeing how distressed he was after yelling at jungkook, seokjin took namjoon's place and spent the rest of the evening colouring with jihoon while the leader begrudgingly headed off to the studio. he had to remind hoseok that they had a curfew now with the comeback being so close. jimin was usually the one to do that, but namjoon needed to clear his head.

he couldn't shake the image of the maknae's scared face from his head, his eyes wide and glossy already, his hands trembling like they always did when he started to panic. jungkook was such a good person, he always had been and always would be. he was caring, and so gentle.

so what had caused him to snap at jihoon? and why did namjoon have a sick inkling in the pit of his stomach as to what it might be..?

he found himself standing in the doorway of hoseok's studio, arms crossed as he knocked on the already slightly open door. the dancer pushed his headphones down around his neck and turned to look at namjoon. "hey, what's up?"

"curfew," the leader replied, nodding to the clock mounted on the wall. it was approaching seven in the evening, and while that didn't seem very late, their manager had insisted that they rest well over the next week or so. "c'mon, hyung. i don't wanna get my ass chewed, so let's go."

hoseok groaned, but he knew better than to protest. he gathered his things up, saving his file and shutting all the machines down. "alright.. you okay? you look a little pale," he commented as he locked the studio door behind them.

namjoon let out a long, long sigh.

"i'm just tired.."

— — —

back at home, seokjin was helping jihoon into a pair of yoongi's pajamas to get him ready for bed. he'd searched for a nice, soft pair, ones that yoongi absolutely loved wearing. he wanted to keep jihoon as comfortable as possible, just in case worry started to kick into the little's brain as the night went on.

however, he seemed.. pretty freaking calm.

"arms up, love," the elder murmured, and the little complied, letting the light orange t-shirt be pulled on over his head. he wore a matching pair of shorts, patterned with the white outline of tiger faces all over. they were very cute, really, and very comfortable. "i like these."

seokjin smiled. it was a nice reassurance to hear jihoon whenever he did speak up. it gave him peace of mind, because the little had a funny sort of facial expression he wore literally all the time, and it didn't exactly give the caregiver much insight into how he was actually feeling.

"yoongi loves those ones," he explained, clipping the pacifier clip that had been with jihoon when he arrived onto the collar of his shirt. he slipped the actual pacifier into his mouth, and then he smiled. "i'm sure he won't mind you borrowing them, though~"

seokjin lightly poked jihoon's nose, earning the tiniest of giggles in response, and he swore his heart melted then and there. maybe he really did have a good touch when it came to littles? who knew.

it's just.. you didn't hear it from him, but jihoon hadn't giggled for anyone else around here.

hm.. where were we?

the eldest pulled back a bit, handing jihoon his stuffie. he took his other hand, then, and proceeded to lead him down the hall to jungkook's room, where he would spend the night.

when they got there, the maknae was already curled up in bed with his covers pulled right up over his shoulders, his face hidden in something fluffy. seokjin assumed it was that bunny thing he always had with him.

little boy ♡ mygTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang