{ seventeen }

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and so it eventually became apparent..

the littles had switched.

jihoon had been the first to think up the 'master plan.' yoongi had just gone along with it because, at the time, he'd been sleepy and a tad littler than usual. he'd fed off of jihoon's enthusiasm, turned it into his own. the idea was genius, and surely it would be fun. it was easy, too.

it was a simple matter of switching their coats. seokjin had been too preoccupied with usual caregiver worries that morning to properly pay attention to what he had dressed yoongi in, and in the matter of seventeen.. well, jeonghan and seungcheol had enough on their hands without remembering what jihoon had been wearing, especially with how generic it was.

the only significant things were their jackets.

jihoon had a red one with white stripes up and down both sleeves. it was like a raincoat, only with a warmer material on the inside. he'd been bundled up in it before leaving, when everyone was beginning to get a little worn out.

yoongi's jacket had been completely different. it was a pale, pastel yellow. it wasn't even close to jihoon's, the material a soft, fleecy kind that enveloped him in just the right amount of heat. the hood of the jacket had a little orange duck mouth, too, with two little black ovals for eyes. the sleeves were cuffed and it was held together by a zip. jihoon's had buttons.

"gimme your coat," the (mentally) older little had said, already removing his. yoongi looked confused for a moment, and honestly, he remained confused. he decided that jihoon knew best, and moved to take his own coat off. he was immediately hit with the cool air of the evening, dancing along the pale skin of his arms. jihoon didn't seem bothered, though, so yoongi didn't let himself show his discomfort.

"if you put my coat on," jihoon began, pulling yoongi's jacket onto himself. it fit perfectly, since they were both the same size. convenient. "and i put yours on.. our daddies won't know the difference. just put the hood up, okay? and take your paci out. it's different to mine."

yoongi had complied, shoving his pacifier into his pocket and tucking his stuffed toy into the jacket a bit more. he didn't want jeonghan or seungcheol to see the truth before they even had a chance to start the plan. or did he? he wasn't sure. yoongi hadn't really formed his own opinion on any of this, he'd just.. followed.

he'd followed, and he'd neglected saying goodbye to his daddy, even though he really wanted to, just because he knew it would blow their cover. jihoon seemed unfazed, though, he didn't even bat an eyelash as yoongi was strapped into his car seat by his daddy. he just slipped off behind namjoon and seokjin, yellow duck-hood bouncing behind him.

that's when yoongi began to reconsider.

however, it was too late now.

now, yoongi was stood in a house he didn't recognise, surrounded by people he didn't really know. jeonghan was on the phone to his daddy, and the other five littles had been sent to clean up a mess they'd made in their room that morning. seungcheol was sat at the kitchen table, occasionally shooting worried glances in yoongi's direction, but he didn't know what to do to actually fix the problem. none of the seventeen littles had ever been that.. little.

"yoongi, love," jeonghan called, and the boy jumped at the sudden intrusion of a voice into his thoughts. he turned to see one of the two caregivers by the door, beckoning for him. the boy didn't think twice before he scurried out to him, stuffed toy still clutched tightly in his hand.

then he was out in the hall, a large, expansive area with wooden floorboards and a large set of stairs off to the side that led to an even more spacious area. jeonghan was off to the other side, holding onto his phone. he smiled when he saw the little, handing the device over.

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