Not Perfect -- Chapter two -- Captured

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TRIGGER WARNING; Might be Mental abuse, kidnapping.

Chapter Two -- Captured




  I got up when I knew my parents were now sleeping. I quietly walked into my closet and pulled out black clothes. I'm nothing like a normal child, I know that for a fact.

  I was always isolated from the outside, and right now I'll be able to go outside! I smile goofily, and got dressed.

  I looked around my room, and grabbed my stuffed animal that mommy and daddy got me. I know I don't want to loose it, but I'll take it just in case.

No One's P.O.V

  The brunette carefully put her bag onto her shoulder's, and quietly climbed out. She took one step on the vine's, and a hand down. This kept going until' she was finally at the bottom. She looked up at the night sky, and gasped out of shock. "Wow.." Was all the little girl could say, completely out of breath from the shock.

  The brunette shook her tiny head, and walked along the sidewalk. That's when she took a stop, looked at the ally way, and started walking towards it. For some reason, she felt like she needed to be here. She was drawn towards this, mysterious, dark, place that she loved. Why? She's always been in the dark, since she stays in her room all the time, it's always dark. No light, whatsoever. The only light that she could see from, was the sun from the outside.

  The brunette walked into the black abyss of the night, and into the ally way. She continued to just look, and not touch. That's one thing that she's learnt, to look and not touch. She didn't question her parents doing's, so she didn't touch the touch and wrapped her little hands on her body, trying to warm up. "Hello!~" A creepy, rasp voice cooed to someone else, "Just so you know," The creepy voiced man stopped, and the little girl heard a scream. "Go. To. Sleep!~"

  [Y/N] ran the opposite direction, ran full speed out of the ally way, and the scene kept replaying inside of her mind. "It's just tricks. No one would kill for a living, right?" She pondered for about a minute or so, just to make the scientist's job easier. The man (Scientist) quietly walked behind her, and covered her mouth with a cloth rag that had chemicals on the rag.

  [Y/N] kicked and screamed, but mostly.. regret filled with her. For leaving her mother and father, they had a perfect life, and she just ruined it. The brunette went limb, and the scientist's picked her up and walked towards his black van that camouflage with the night. 

"Finally, I thought I wouldn't find this brat!" He whined, and started to drive.

"We're going to finally make a hybrid.."

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