Not Perfect -- Chapter One -- Beginning

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@thesecretloverfor (Also a Shout out to her for helping me with the first chapter)

[TRIGGER WARNING; Mental Abuse in this chapter!]

Chapter One -- Beginning

  "Mommy!" The little brunette yelled, running down the stairs and into the kitchen. Her mother looked at her, and had her hand on her hip.

  Mrs. Williams raised her brow, and looked at the little girl with brown hair and dark brown eyes. To be honest, they didn't know how she got her dark brown eyes at, so they just played along like it was nothing.

  "What did I say about running down the stairs?" Her mother said sternly, going back to cooking. She gave her daughter a side-glance and noticed her nervous and stiff stance on her feet. "Anyways, do you need anything sweets?" Her mother said, ignoring her nervous yet calm expression.

  The little brunette sighed sadly, and shook her head. As if on cue, her father came walking into the kitchen with that same tired face, slouching slightly, and sat down at the table.

  'They won't listen. They never do. They won't ever let me go outside.' The brunette thought bitterly, and sat down across from her tiredly father. Their little girl was like this everyday now. When she was eight she stopped asking and gone through the days like that.

  Secretly she was dying inside, becoming depressed, and became an intervert. The little girl looked outside, and tilted her head slightly.

  There, standing in the woods was a tall, faceless man. The little girl casted on an emotionless face, and stared back out at him.

  The brunette's mother came with two plates of pancakes, a tea set, and milk. You sent a smile towards your mother as she set the food and drinks down. You started digging into your food, and drank the milk. You sit quietly wanting to say so much wanting to scream and yell. You do want to tell them how you feel but instead you sit silently. finishing your breakfast you thank your mother.

  She walked upstairs and into her room. She quietly closed her door, and sat on her bed. There was nothing really to do, so the little girl just ended up staring into the woods.

  That's when an idea popped into her little minded mind.

  She'd sneak out, tonight.

Not Perfect [Creepypasta x Reader-Chan]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon