Chapter 9

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Dinah's POV

"DJ wake up" I feel a light shaking.

"Stop" I groan.

"Dinah get up" Again with the shaking.

"Lauren stop" I try to scoot away but she continues to shake me until I wake up.

"Finally" Lauren sighs. That's when I take in my surroundings where the hell are we.

"Lauren, where are we?" I turn to my older sister.

"Normani's house you don't remember her finding us last night" Lauren asks confused. I simply shake my head no and shrug.

"That's weird anyways let's go see if Ally and Normani are awake" Lauren slides down from the bed and I follow after her. The house is quiet; you can literally feel a pin drop.

Lauren and I tiptoe down to Ally and Normani's room to find the two still fast asleep but that is when I spot an alarm clock that is flashing 7:35 a.m.

"Lauren it's still early" I whisper to my sister.

"Well what should we do until then I don't want to get in trouble or anything" Lauren whispers back.

I simply shrug unsure of what to do, we both look at each other and decide to go back to the guest room and just wait. To pass the time Lauren and I just cuddled and played twenty questions even though we know literally everything about each other.

"I'm so bored" I huff.

"We have to wa—" Lauren is cut off by the sound of creaking floorboards.

"Guess they are awake" I mumble.

Lauren looks at me and I look back and we decide to get up and follow Normani downstairs. We see her making coffee, probably trying to wake herself up.

"Hi Normani" I speak quietly, making my presence known to her.

"Morning girls, how'd you sleep?" The dark skinned woman asks.

"Okay" I shrug while Lauren remains quiet.

"You are welcome to get some food. I'm waiting for Ally to get up so we can all talk if that is fine" Normani states.

Lauren and I both nod our heads as we walk over the thing Normani referred to as the pantry and open it. There is food galore in here, I've never seen so much food.

Lauren spots some muffins and decides to take one, overwhelmed by the options I decide to take one as well. We then go over to the table and take a seat across from Normani and quietly munch on our muffins, it tastes so good.

"Morning babe, Morning girls" A sleepy Ally walks into the kitchen booking it straight to the coffee maker.

"Morning, Come over here babe I want to talk to the girls about the conversation that we had last night" Ally walks over and takes a seat next to Normani.

"So girls we just want to know what happened last night you don't have to go into detail alright" Ally tells us.

"O-okay" Lauren looks to me as I lean into her side, I don't want to explain what happened, I can still feel her hands groping me, I cringe from the feeling.

"Well uhmm Trevor he dropped us off at this sketchy looking house even though he said that it would be nice but uhhh some of the windows were boarded up and so much of the wood on the porch was cracked. Trevor was being super mean and made us go up there. Then we met this girl named Sky, and her mom was supposed to take care of us but they used us as the help and would sometimes starve us. We were dealing with it because it wasn't as bad as Mr.Henderson but we were still scared and Sky..." Lauren looks at me but I have my eyes squeezed shut, yet I nod my head yes feeling as though I can trust Normani and Ally.

"The night that we ran away Sky had r-raped Dinah and I became fed up so we ran away we couldn't deal with it anymore" Lauren explains while trying to keep her tears at bay.

A silence settled over the room as the words that just split from my mouth linger in the air but soon the shuffling of feet caught my attention.

"Girls can you look at me, I am so sorry that such terrible things happened to you no kids your age should experience something like that, thank you for telling me that Trevor and those two woman are going to be taken into custody but what I want you two to know is that nothing else bad will happen to you because Ally and I want to adopt you, would you like from the first time that I saw you something in me told me to protect you and I should have trusted my gut but after hearing that the feeling has become stronger" Normani explains softly.

Tears that I've been trying to keep at bay begin to spill out the people that I've met, I feel as though I can trust Normani's words.

"Okay" I nod.

"Don't worry girls, my wife and I will do everything in our power to help you heal from your past, can I hug you" Normani asks while standing up.

I nod my head yes she pulls Lauren and I into a warm embrace in her arms I feel safe for once in my life. 

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