Chapter 14

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Lauren's POV

The four of us are now sitting in the living room searching for a movie. Normani and Dinah sit on the floor rummaging through hundreds of DVDs, while Ally and I sit on the couch. I would help but my mind is too preoccupied thinking about my nightmare. Strangely, my body doesn't feel like my own and these cuts on my arm are burning like hell. I wish I could take off my sweatshirt.

"Lauren, LAUREN!?"

"Huh, what?" I barely heard my sister calling my name, everything feels oddly distant.

"Why do you keep ignoring me Lo?, What movie do you want to watch?"

"We can watch whatever movie you like, I don't mind. I'm sorry DJ. I'm just tired"

She sighs, not very satisfied with my dismissive answer.

"Well girls, would you like to watch Scooby Doo?" Normani suggested.

"That looks fun," Dinah beams excitedly.

Normani puts the movie in the DVD player. A menu screen pops up with these four fun but goofy looking people and a big dog. Normani finds the remote on the couch and hits play, the movie starts.

Dinah runs over to cuddle with me, I'm actually relieved by her presence. The smell of her hair brings me back to a present state. My consciousness felt like it was floating above my body and my inner dialogue was very loud.

I try my best to pay attention to the movie but still my mind keeps wandering back to my nightmare. It felt so disturbingly real. Mr. Henderson is dead though. We saw his body on the floor with all that.....blood. I shake my head trying to rid myself of the memory but it's seared into my brain. I take a deep breath trying not to cry, I don't want to draw attention towards myself. Maybe I should go to the bathroom, calm myself down. I excuse myself from downstairs letting everyone know I'm going to the restroom.

"You okay Lo?" Normani asks.

I only nod my head, unable to find my voice to reassure her then continue to the bathroom. After I closed the door, I couldn't hold back my emotions. My eyes became watery, I slid to the floor too weak to stand. Will I ever be able to escape Mr.Henderson? I'm so scared to even go back to sleep. What if he's behind my eyelids ready to torture me again?

I continue to cry until I am numb and also hot, so I take off my sweatshirt. My arm is sore. All of my wounds are bright red and burning. I suck in a pained breath making an effort not to scream out. I'm not sure what to do. It's not like I have something to wrap these in.

Again I grimace in pain, but it's a deserved pain. I shouldn't have done this but no one can find out. I'd be so devastated if my sister or Normani even Ally found out. What would they say? Will Normani and Ally think I'm too messed up to be taken care of, then kick my sister and I out? It'd be all my fault if my sister and I end up homeless.

My thoughts continue to spiral. I'm not sure how long I've been in the bathroom but I hope no one starts to worry about me. I'm not worth the trouble. They should just enjoy the movie without me. Maybe everyone is better off without me. I stare into the mirror, my green eyes hold no luster, no life. I mean I do feel awfully dead inside, I wish I could just disappear.

Normani's POV

It's been a while since I've seen Scooby Doo. It is still funny. Dinah is enjoying the movie. It's probably her first time watching the way she is captivated.

"Isn't she adorable?" I laugh.

"Incredibly, I hope we are approved for those licenses" Ally quips.

"Me too, I'll have to check in with Zendaya tomorrow to see where we go from here. The girls also need a new social worker, it's a lot of stuff"

"I know babe but it will workout, it has too" Ally gives me an optimistic smile.

"I definitely hope so, babe." I kiss my wife on the head.

The movie is almost halfway over. Lauren has been in the bathroom for a peculiarly long time, I hope she is alright.

"Babe do you think I should check on Lauren, she's been in the bathroom awfully long"

"Maybe in a minute babe, who knows maybe her stomach hurts" Ally proposed.

"Yeah maybe but still I'll go check on her, I'll be back"

I ascend the stairs and walk down the hallway to the bathroom. Light leaks from below the door crack, she is in there. What is taking her so long? I continue walking closer until I'm in front of the bathroom door. As I am about to knock, I hear soft whimpering. Is she crying?

"Lauren are you alright, you've been in the bathroom for a long time"

"Uh.m yeah m-m-my uhh stoma-ch h-urts"

She sounds like she has been crying, her voice sounds very hoarse and strained.

"Lauren, are you sure you don't sound alright?" I push a bit but I'm only met with silence. I jiggle the doorknob a bit, it's locked. Again I knock but no answer, only soft muffled cries.

"Lauren please open the door" I'm soft but firm.

There's a pause, but soon the lock pops and the door opens. Lauren looks disheveled, her pale face is flushed bright red. Instinctively I take the young girl into a hug, immediately she goes rigid. I'm quick to back away knowing I just pushed a big boundary.

"I'm sorry y-you jus-just look like you ne-needed a hug" I awkwardly stutter out.

"It's alright, thank you for coming to check on me"

The young girl looks even smaller than usual, she is swimming in her oversized sweatshirt. Lauren is already skinny due to malnourishment, which we have to work on. Anyways, why is she in the bathroom crying? Why didn't she come to Ally or I if she felt so upset? I crouch down Lauren's level, her eyes look incredibly distant and hold a lot of pain. It hurts my heart.

"Lauren, why were you crying in the bathroom? Do you need to talk about anything?"

Lauren sniffles then fixes her mouth to say something, but instead she remains quiet. I want to help her but I'm not sure what is wrong yet, maybe we can talk in my room. I lead Lauren to the master room then tell her to sit on the bed. Again I crouch down to her level, she won't look at me. It looks like she is still crying.

"Lauren I can't help you if you don't tell me what is wrong"

Still the young girl remains quiet, I sigh then sit on the bed with her. We sit in silence, it's alright once she feels comfortable enough to tell me, I'm here.

"I had a-a-n-n-nightmare" Lauren doesn't speak above a whisper.

A nightmare? I wish she had told me earlier. It's been about three hours since they had a nap. It's about eight o'clock at night now. So she's been quiet about this since she woke up, did she even tell Dinah? It must have been incredibly traumatizing if she is upstairs crying in the bathroom. First the panic attack at the mall, now a traumatizing nightmare. Once everything is settled with this legal stuff we have to get these girls therapy.

"What was your nightmare about Lo?"

"M-Mr.H-Henderson" she confessed.

Ohh no she had a nightmare about her past abuser, my heart fills with sympathy. I want to hug Lauren so bad but I know sadly due to the trauma that man caused, I'd be pushing a boundary again.

"Lauren I'm so sorry, I wish I could take your pain away. In the future, if you and Dinah decide to stay with us, we can get you girls help for your painful past. I wish I could give you a hug Lo but I know it makes you uncomfortable"

I have to fight my instinct to want to physically comfort the young girl. She looks so broken, I can't imagine going through all that hell at a young age. Plus we don't know half of it, my wife and I only know about Mr.Henderson Did the foster placements before abuse them too? Geez I need to call Zendaya quickly. The sooner we get these girls a new coworker, the sooner we can get them the help and support they deserve.

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