Chapter 1

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Lauren's POV

"No Sir please, please just leave us alone we didn't mean it " I plead while huddling with Dinah in the corner of our room. Mr.Henderson is fuming with anger as he walks closer and closer to us.

"No you stupid fucking mistakes, I told you to clean this house before I came back why is it still a mess" the man bellows.

"Sir we were so sore we could barely move please, please just leave us alone" I beg.

"No you two little shits deserve punishment"

Mr.Henderson stomps over to Dinah and I, he practically rips her from my grasp then throws her on the floor.

"No no please sir" My little sister begs.

I try to save her but Mr.Henderson kicks me in the ribs, I groan in pain while laid out on the floor.

"Lolo please help me" I hear Dinah call to me.

Again I try to get to my sister but Mr.Henderson isn't having it. I'm severely beaten almost to the brink of death, I can do nothing except lay on the floor and watch as my little sister is lashed to unconsciousness.

I miss Kristen. I wish everything was how it used to be, just the three of us against the world. Our parents had abandoned us so Kristen took it upon herself to raise Dinah and I. We loved her so much, I remember during the summers we would go on road trips then find the perfect spot to watch the sunset and look out at the stars.

Kristen was everything to me and Dinah, she was our rock, our safe place away from the scary world but she was taken from us. I remember that night, she was just going out to get us some cereal since we ran out. I started to notice that she was gone longer than usual as the grocery store was just around the corner. As the time passed I grew more worried, where could Kristen be?

I was on edge waiting for my sister to come back, every bad thing that I could possibly think of was racing through my head. That's when the police finally arrived, I had opened the door confused. Then this police officer got down on his knee and broke the news to Dinah and I. At that moment our world shattered, Kristen she was gone.

The police officer told us that we would be placed in foster care but we weren't aware of the hell that awaited us.

We were only in our foster home for a good month before the Johnson's had adopted us. At first everything seemed normal with them, they took care of us but as time progressed their demeanor began to change. Mr. and Mrs.Johnson had begun treating us like the help, we were forced to clean around the house and cook for them. If we disobeyed we were either yelled at or starved.

We weren't there very long as our social worker had found out and took us from their care. They placed DJ and I right back into the same Foster home to try again.

That's when another sum months go by then we are being adopted by the Adam's. We thought it couldn't get any worse than the Johnson's but boy we were wrong.

They didn't even hold back after the first week, by the end of the month almost all of our bodies were covered in bruises. Just like the Johnson's eventually they were busted too.

It was only our second time being adopted and already Dinah and I were ready to give up and run away but that's when Mr.Henderson stepped into our lives and he was just too good to be true, sadly he was.

I want to say about three months into Dinah and I living with him that's when he started to show his true colors. He began yelling at us, hitting us and worst of all touching us in inappropriate places. Now we are stuck with Mr.Henderson which brings us back to the present Dinah and I laying on the brink of death.  


Sorry this first chapter is kind of trash it will get better though I just had trouble starting the story off😬

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