Chapter 3

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Later That Night

Lauren and I are back in our room now, today has been terrible. I hate Mr.Henderson, why would he do that to my sister, that sick bastard I hate him. I feel my tears brimming my eyes as I look over to my sister. Ever since we've been in here all she has done is lay down on our thin mat.

I've been trying to comfort her but nothing is working, I just wish that I could take away her pain but I can't.

"DJ" I hear Lauren.

"Y-yeah Lo" I sniffled.

"Come here lil sis" she calls me over.

I crawl over to her to see what she wants. As I crawl closer the more my tears cloud my vision, why couldn't I stop him, he took my sister's innocence.

"I'm sorry Lauren" I sob.

She sits up and takes me into a hug.

"Why are you saying sorry DJ?" Lauren asks, confused.

"Because I couldn't stop him and then he- he" I continued to sob.

"No look at me Dinah Jane, what he did to me is not your fault, you are only nine and Mr.Henderson is a grown man, DJ please don't blame yourself for what happened" Lauren wipes my tears.

"But-" I interject.

"No DJ, I love you so much" Lauren kisses my forehead.

"I love you too" I hugged her.

Lauren and I decided to lay down for the night. Today has been eventful and I wish that I could erase it but sadly this day will be forever burned into our memories.

"Wake up you little shits" Mr.Henderson kicks us.

I grunt from the pain but sit up to see the large man holding something in his hands.

"Here it's been a couple of days since you two ate and I don't need you dying on me" Mr.Henderson drops the plate in front of us, it's two slices of pizza.

Lauren and I don't immediately go after it at first being very suspicious of the man, who knows he could have done something to it.

"You ungrateful little shits, I try to do stuff for you and this is how you respond, I might as well just let you starve" Mr.Henderson was about to take the plate before I stopped him.

"No please sir we are so hungry" my stomach rumbles.


He drops the plate and I immediately go over to grab it so he can't take it again. The pizza is lukewarm but at this point I don't care at least it's something. I try my best to not swallow the thing in one go but after being starved for three days straight it's kind of hard.

Eventually Lauren and I finished the pizza slices we were going to cuddle but Mr.Henderson stopped us.

"What in the fuck are you two doing?" The man bellows but we remain quiet.

"Answer me" he yells again, I gulp getting ready to answer but Lauren beats me to it.

"We were trying to sleep, sir, we are tired," my sister answered in a small voice.

"Sleep, are you fucking crazy there are chores that need to be done and after that a beating so get to it you stupid shits" Lauren and I sigh but stand up not wanting to make Mr.Henderson even angrier.

Perusal Lauren and I begin cleaning around the house, we have to make sure that everything is spotless or Mr.Henderson will give us a little more than just a beating. I shudder at the thought but soon get back to the task at hand finishing all these stupid chores.

It's later in the day, Lauren and I just finished cleaning the last bit of the house. We are both exhausted and in desperate need of some rest but with him here that's not an option.

"Come here girls" the monsters call for us.

We find him sitting in his favorite recliner chair in the living room. Lo and I already knew the routine of standing in front of him with our heads bowed.

"Did you make little mistakes cleaning every inch of this house?"

"Yes sir" we answer in unison.

"Good, now you know what it's time for"

Lauren and I get down on our knees, I really don't want him to do this. I hear Mr.Henderson stand from his chair then let out a cynical laugh. My heartbeat picks up as I hear him grab his favorite belt, please don't let this hurt as bad tonight.

My thoughts are running in a frenzy but they all come to a screeching halt as I feel the sting of leather coming in contact with my back. I let out a loud yelp as I try to hold back my tears, my back is stinging right now and this is only the beginning.

The rest of the time consisted of Lauren and I desperately pleading for this sick man to stop whipping us but it only added more lashing now our backs are going to be covered in bruises.

"You two little fucks should have kept you mouths shut" Mr.Henderson grits before climbing up the stairs and to his room. Though in pain Lauren and I crawl to our room as well, fuck it hurts so bad.

Eventually Lauren and I make it to our thin mat, I grab the blanket and cover us both up while Lauren pulls me closer so that we can cuddle. My body aches, why does he find enjoyment in hurting us.

I mumbled over the thought before my eyes got heavy and I just couldn't hold them up anymore.

"Good night Lolo"

"Night DJ"

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