Chapter 6

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Lauren's POV

"Wake up girls" I sat up in a panic. I look around bewildered until my eyes land on Normani. That's right we aren't with Mr.Henderson anymore that means no more getting rudely awoken by a strong kick to the ribs.

"Lauren, it's okay it's only me," Normani says gently.

"I-I'm sorry" I stutter out.

"No sweetheart it's okay, Ally went ahead and made breakfast for you and your sister. So why don't you go ahead and clean yourself up then come downstairs to eat so we can head to the station" Normani says with a small smile.

I nod complying with her wishes. I watch from the bed as she walks out and closes the door behind her. I let out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding. It's hard for me to trust people even though Normani and her wife have been kind to us. I still can't let my guard down. I have to protect my little sister and myself, speaking of.

"DJ wake up" I gently shake my sister who just groans.

"Come Dinah we have to go back to the station today so get up" a grumpy Dinah finally gets up and just looks at me.

"What" I let out a light chuckle.

"That was the best sleep that I've had in awhile and you ruined it" Dimah pouts.

I shake my head and stand up next to my sister.

"Sorry DJ hopefully depending on what happens today maybe you can go back to sleep okay, now let's go get cleaned up" I insist.

"Okay" she huffs.

I let out a light laugh then walk over to the bathroom so me and my sister can get cleaned up. First we shower together as we always do, then wash our hair. This shower feels so good, the last time we had the chance to shower it was ice cold because Mr.Henderson cut off the hot water. After we are done we get dressed in the clothes that we wore yesterday because it's all we have.

"You ready" I turn to Dinah who just nods.

We both step out of the room and walk downstairs to smell something incredible.

"Hi girls" Ally turns to us.

We give a shy wave and walk further into the kitchen.

"Ohh I knew I forgot something, come with me girls so we can get you some more clothes" Normani states.

We follow the dark skinned lady up the stairs and to her and Ally's room. It's very spacious with a large bed sitting in the middle and a flat screen displayed on the wall. There are also three large frosted over windows framing the left side of the wall while the right had an entrance to a bathroom and large walk-in closet where we are now.

"Okay I know that it's not much but here are some joggers and t-shirts that I can't fit anymore try these on" Normani hands us the clothes and we change.

They just so happen to be a good fit though they are kind of big because we are skinny they still fir better than our raggedy clothes that Mr.Henderson gave us.

"Come on you two I know that you are hungry" we followed Normani back downstairs and into the kitchen where there were four plates with bacon, eggs and fluffy pancakes.

I can feel my mouth water just looking at the delicious food. Dinah and I aren't used to having this many meals, instead we are used to being starved.

"Go ahead girls I hope that you like it" Ally has us sit down at the table.

Dinah and I sit next to each other and begin cutting up our pancakes into bite size pieces.

"Uhmm t-thank you Ally" Dinah mutters.

"You're very welcome honey" the small lady beams.

My sister and I eat our breakfast in silence savoring every taste. Wow I've never had something so good.

We finished breakfast and now it's time for us to go back to the police station to see our social worker, Trevor.

At the police station

"Okay you girls sit here while Zendaya goes to get Trevor" Normani tells us.

We nod and take a seat, unlike the first time we came here it's actually pretty quiet I guess the office isn't as busy today.

"Mr.Jackson this is Normani the officer that found Dinah and Lauren"

"Please just call me Trevor but Normani thank you, I thought that girls were in good hands Mr.Henderson passed all of the surprise checks in and I thought that he was fit to take care of the girls, I guess not" Trevor sighs.

"I'm just glad that we got them out of there but what happens next" Normani asks.

"Well I already have an emergency placement for them since their former foster center in full they will be placed there until they are either adopted or another foster center has space" Trevor informs the two women.

"Will they be in good hands?" Normani asks.

"Of course I've had many emergency placements go to this family before I promise that they are safe" Trevor beams.

Why do I have a feeling that something bad is going to happen? 


Hello Beautiful People,
Sorry short chapter I've been having writers block but next chapter you will be angry don't say I didn't warn you.

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