Chapter 19: The Odd Ones Out

Start from the beginning

"He's not there."

Oh god please no.

I whipped my head around to see Sebastian, relief flew through me. "Where is he?"

"He's tutoring some 13 year old girls on the grass field, apparently they're like in love with him or something." Sebastian said, using his hand to straighten out the white piece of fabric that was hanging on his shoulder.

"Mickey? Tutoring? I can't picture that." I laughed.

"Yeah I know." Sebastian sported the same bored expression as always, "If they wanted to dumb down they could have just took turns falling out of a tree."

I started to laugh really hard, like the stomach clenching, can't breathe kind of laugh. I looked up from my laughing and started to sober up, Sebastian wasn't laughing, instead he was staring at me with a curious bewildered expression.

I must look crazy or something.

He started to walk away and before I knew it, my feet were following him. "Where are you going?"



"I don't know Bree, what do people do in kitchens?" He walked at the same pace, my little legs trying to keep up with him.


"Wow, do you want a gold star?" He was sarcastic but I payed no mind to it.

I was so bored, anything was better than talking to a tree for 5 hours.

Or Lucy...

"Can I come with you?" I said running in front of him, flashing him a cheeky puppy smile.

He stared down at me, his eyebrow raised. "No."

"What! Why?" I said, automatically switching to pleading mode.

"Because I have to bake four batches of cookies, and I don't need you to be my little distraction." He used his pointer finger to move me but I came right up in front of him again.

"Please Sebastian I'm so bored, I won't distract you at all." I grabbed on to the bottom of his shirt and gave him the most serious look I could muster. "I promise."

He ran his fingers through his hair, sighing deeply. "Fine, but if you make a mess you're cleaning it up."

"Deal." I smiled, he looked at me and shook his head, then using his hand he moved me out of his way again.

Well jeez.

"Why do you need to make four batches of cookies anyway?" I said following him into the dining hall.

"They're having a booth set up at the fair to attract more campers for next year. Head counselor asked me to bake cookies because she wants to give them out at the booth... and she knows my cooking background." We walked through the kitchen doors, immediately shock filled through me, seeing how clean and pretty it was on the inside. I saw the area where I'd usually pick up food from the other side, it was weird to be on the inside.

"Cooking background? Don't tell me I've secretly been hanging out with Chef Boyardee all summer." I laughed and he rolled his eyes.

"No, but if I was I don't think I'd be here. I've always been a good cook and baker, my mom owns a really well known restaurant in our town, she's head chef." He said walking over to the side of kitchen and grabbing another white apron. "Take off your hoodie and put that on."

"Okay... Boss." I wondered if he could see the surprise on my face, quiet sarcastic Sebastian was a cook. Maybe he had talked about it before but I never let it process, or maybe I never even sat down with him and actually had a full conversation. We always had our little remarks back and forth and sometimes I would be so annoyed at him I'd hit his shoulder, but we never actually had a full conversation without the boys around.

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