Pt.7 The Wolf Pack Pt1

Start from the beginning


Thanks to the Wind Dust my howl came out as a cyclone sweeping up and sending White Fang members flying. I stopped allowing Lana to come out from behind the crates towards my direction.

"You know, a little warning before you howl would be nice. I almost got swept up."

"I doubt it in that armor G.I. Joe."

"G.I. who?" She asks confused.

"G.I. Joe, it's a reference to-" I started, but stopped as my ears twitched and I leaned to the right as Lana shot the White Fang member behind me.

I turned as we both look behind me, we see some of the ones stocking the Bullhead, which was getting ready to take flight, began to grab guns and head our way.

"What's the plan?" Lana asked, changing her ammo into her gun to Earth Dust rounds.

"We make our way to the Bullhead, I'll cover you while you stop the pilot and I take care of the goons."

"Giving me the fun part?" Lana says as she readies herself.

"You're getting to stop the pilot while I take care of all the fighting, I'm giving you the important part as I do the fun part," I said concentrating my aura to my toes and fingertips.

"Let's go!" I say as we both dash forward as we dodge through a barrage of bullets as I take up the front. As we get close we both coordinate together as we practiced days before as I took down the first with a swift kick as she charged past me taking out the next as I quickly took out the one after that making our way to the Bullhead as it was slowly rising into the air.

"Lana! Up!" I say as I stop and interlock my hands together as she rushed towards me and jumps into my hands as I launch her up towards the cockpit and then continue taking out the rest of the goons.

(POV: Lana)

I quickly dug my blade into the front of the Bullhead as I look into the window of the cockpit as the pilot tries to shake me off not wanting to shoot out the window, I however, felt differently as I raised my revolver shooting cracks into the window, thank you Earth Dust rounds, and broke through hitting the pilot quickly, knocking him out and gaining control of the Bullhead before it crashes. As I finally get it steady, I see [F/n] has dealt with all of the other White Fang putting them all together and signalling me its safe to land.


Seeing that Lana was landing the Bullhead I decide to look around and make sure everyone was still unconscious when my ears twitch again and I catch a weapon with my left hand and look over to see the boss.

"Oh, look who woke up. A little late to the party boss."

"You traitor!" He yells as I release his weapon and he tries to hit me again.

"Traitor?" I ask, "why? Because I'm stopping you guys? Because I refuse to kill humans? Or because unlike all of you I refuse to listen to someone just because they're the loudest."

"You really think working with humans will make them like you? Make them accept you as one of them!? You'll never be anything to them, but a monster!" The boss says taking a hard swing only for me to dodge under and uppercut him sending him flying to the side of some crates.

"Oh is this coming from the guys working with a human con-man who's known for backstabbing?" I say to him causing him to grunt a little causing me to smile, "you know, there's a saying my dad would always tell me: Before you get on your high horse, make sure your saddle's safely fastened. Right now though I don't plan on having a political debate about Faunus rights and wrong, I'll save that for talking to Blake, I just have one question, "I say as I kick away his weapon and kneel down looking him in his eyes...well his mask,"where is Roman Torchwick?"

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